You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Twenty-Eight

Sep 02, 2012 12:51

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new friend, that may think of him as more, also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to King For A Day-Pierce The Veil Feat. Kellin Quinn
A/N: At the End


Chapter Twenty-Eight

“It's about Alex.”

Jack felt his stomach drop. Three simple words and he already had a feeling that this wouldn't be good. He took a deep breath, preparing himself, and nodded. “Go on.”

Josh looked sceptical and worried. “Are you sure?”

Jack nodded again, letting out a deep breath this time, “Yes.”

The English boy bit his lip, thinking, then he sighed, knowing it was inevitable. “Okay.”

And then Josh launched into the story. Starting from the first party that he went to when he confronted Alex, told him that he knew about the promise and the blonde assured him that it wouldn't happen. To the next party where Josh had seen Kellin hand the other boy cocaine and told him that he was gonna tell Jack. Alex then begging that Josh didn't tell and saying that he was gonna stop. Josh giving him the benefit of the doubt but saying if he found out even once that Alex was still doing it he'd tell Jack. Josh going to school a few days later and finding out that he had, in fact, done cocaine at the same party, after Josh's little confrontation. The younger boy explained how he was gonna tell Jack right away but it had been hard for him. He knew this wasn't something to be taken lightly and he wasn't sure just how he would react.

Jack listened to Josh's whole story patiently and without interruption. The whole time his face betrayed no emotion, it was completely different from the happiness that had radiated through just moments before. It was as if every feeling had just been washed away like a blackboard being totally cleaned after a long maths equation. It freaked Josh out.

When the younger boy was done talking he let out a deep breath and looked at Jack waiting for him to say something. Said boy wasn't moving though, he'd just been looking down at his hands with that strange emotionless face in silence for the last few minutes.

Josh was worried. He slowly reached his arm out and touched Jack's shoulder. “J-Jack? Are you-?”

The older boy flinched at Josh's touch and looked up. His face, his empty, blank, face was a strange match for eyes that were suddenly so full of emotion. Josh couldn't even read what emotions they were. He just saw that there were many different ones, and a large abundance of each.

He then heard the other boy say something, but it was so quiet that he couldn't quite make it out. “I'm done.”

“W-what? Jack, I-can't...”

He looked straight into Josh's eyes, this time speaking loudly and clearly, “I said: I'm. Done.”

Josh was confused, “Done? Wha-?”

“With the friendship. With the caring. With the hurt, the pain, the feelings. With being in “Love”. I'm done with Alex, Josh. With Alex.”

Josh bit his lip. He could now read some of the emotion running through Jack's eyes, anger, hurt. He did the only thing he could think of, he shuffled over to the boy still curled up with his knees drawn to his chest and pulled him into a hug.

Jack didn't register what was happening at first and didn't react, just sat limply in Josh's arms. After a moment he slowly raised his own and returned the embrace.

The two sat like that for a while, at some point Josh realised that Jack was silently crying and had been whispering the same two words over and over again to himself.

“I'm done.”

Josh bit his lip. One of the main reasons he'd wanted to wait to tell Jack and had debated doing so at all was because of what was happening now. While he was holding the Lebanese boy he'd practically heard the shattering of the vital organ that had been Jack's heart.


Josh walked into school with Jack the next day watching his companion the whole time. He'd stayed the night at his house figuring he'd want some company and also because he wasn't one hundred per cent sure that he wouldn't do something he'd regret.

The tears and the pain had stopped about an hour or two after Josh had finished telling his story and the only emotion since then had been anger. Cold, hard, anger. Jack had ranted and yelled, and called the blonde all the horrid names under the sun and it was quite a surprise to Josh. He didn't think that Jack could get like that.

He was worried about him too, but he knew better than to ask. He'd done it a few times the night before and each time had been viciously yelled at. He'd since stopped asking.

The English boy suddenly heard his name being called by a familiar voice, his head instantly snapped up and he couldn't help the smile that took over his features. He realised that he looked really happy and tried to compose his features, sneaking a glance at the pissed off boy standing next to him.

“It's fine, Josh. Go to your girlfriend. You haven't seen her in days. Stop fucking worrying about me for fucks sake. I'm not some china doll that has to be constantly looked after for fear of breaking into a million pieces.” He snapped, annoyed.

The younger boy knew that Jack wasn't pissed or annoyed at him but it would still be nice to get away from his anger and go see the girlfriend that he, admittedly, did seem to have neglected over the last few days.

“Okay, Jack. Thanks. I'll talk to you later?” He tacked on at the end, asking unsurely.

“Whatever.” The other boy replied sounding like he didn't care either way if they ever talked ever again.

Josh repressed his sigh and walked away. He hated feeling like this new Jack was all his fault. He supposed it kind of was, him being the one that had told the Lebanese boy, but really, Alex was the one with all the blame. Josh was just wondering what would happen next. He had a feeling it wouldn't be good.


When Josh left Jack continued to stomp to his locker.

If the fucking fucker wanted to go and fuck himself up then fine. He could. What did Jack care? Yeah, that's right. He didn't. Not one fucking bit.

He pushed his thoughts to the back of his mind for a minute and looked up towards the box of metal that he stored his things in. He glanced at the one next to his. Well speak of the fucking devil.

He sucked in a deep breath through his nose, his mouth set in a tight line. He let out his breath and then continued his stomping. He made sure that his focus was set on his locker. He trained his eyes on one spot on the door and nothing else. Especially not the human standing to the right of it.

When he finally got to his destination his grabbed the lock attached to his locker and started to spin as fast as he could, he was so angry that his fingers were shaking and he was unable to get the numbers right on the first try. Finally, he had to take a deep breath and force himself to calmly open it. After this was done he slammed the door opened and because it opened to the right, out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone jump in complete surprise at a locker door suddenly flying through the space once belonging to his head.

In the next instant he could feel eyes boring into his head. He ignored them. He threw his books in his locker, loving the loud banging sound that they made against the metal. He heard someone cough next to him, signalling they wanted him to look at and acknowledge them. He ignored the cough and threw his backpack into his locker, not completely satisfied that it didn't make nearly as much noise as the books.

He felt someone touch his arm and ask, “Jack? Is there something wrong? Do you um, do you wanna talk to me about it? Maybe I can help...”

At this Jack mentally burst into laughter. He slammed his locker shut, revelling in the fact that this was the loudest clang of all, and whipped his body to face the person at his right.

“No, Alex. You would not be able to help. And no, I don't want to talk to you about it. In fact, I don't want to talk to you ever again.”

He practically screamed in Alex's face before turning around and stomping towards his first class.

If Jack had turned around and looked at Alex as he was walking away he would have seen the look of total shock and surprise on his face mixing with hurt. But he didn't because he hadn't turned around. Because that was all behind him now.


A/N: I hope you aren't all disappointed with this one, I'm not sure if it's one that I like too much, but I think it'll do. This one goes out to my dad who randomly walked into my room bearing tea and marmite toast, so he's pretty awesome. Don't forget to comment, and thanks for reading you beautiful human beings!(:
And also thank you to the people that messaged me on Tumblr with suggestions, I love you!

jack barakat, josh franceschi, jack barakat/alex gaskarth, alex gaskarth

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