You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Aug 31, 2012 13:18

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new friend, that may think of him as more, also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to For A Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic-Paramore
A/N: At the End


Chapter Twenty-Seven

Josh walked into school slowly. He felt sluggish and he had a horrible feeling in his stomach. He was two hours late because he had slept in, getting next to no sleep the night before. Having the knowledge that he was gonna ruin people simply with words clearly didn't do the English boy any good.

He glanced at his watch and saw that his second class was going to end in a few minutes so he decided not to bother with going. He trudged to his locker and grabbed his things. The bell rang just as he was shutting his locker and he turned around to the rush of students flooding out of classrooms into corridors, the once silent atmosphere changing into a sea of sound in about thirty seconds flat.

He stepped into the masses and walked in the direction of his class. He soon felt a hand clamp down on his shoulder and he flinched. Slowly, he turned around and saw the one person that he wanted to prolong seeing for as long as he was able. Clearly, the universe hated him because the hand on his shoulder belonged to a happy looking Jack Barakat. Possibly the worst kind of Jack Barakat that Josh could wish to see right now.

He glanced at his watch again quickly and saw that the next class didn't start for fifteen minutes so he stopped walking.

“Hey! You're here. I didn't see you this morning, thought you weren't coming in. What's up?!”

Josh swallowed, why the fuck did he have to be so happy? The blue-eyed boy attempted to sound happy and enthusiastic. As normal as possible.

“Yeah, I just got in. Overslept. You know how it is.”

The English boy could tell that Jack wasn't convinced though, “Yeeeah. Look man, I don't wanna pry or anything. And I certainly don't wanna make you uncomfortable...but, are you all right?” He asked concerned.

Josh sighed, “Yes, Jack. I'm fine. I just having been sleeping well lately, honestly, don't worry about me.”

Jack bit his lip. “Okay. Well, good. I'm just checking up on you.”

The English boy forced a laugh and playfully punched the tall boy on the shoulder, “Oi! That's my job, mate!”

The older boy laughed and rolled his eyes. “What, are you like my knight in shining armour or something?” He held his hands together up by his head and fluttered his eyelashes. “I guess you are pretty dreamy.”

Josh couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness that was Jack. He couldn't believe that his mood was actually improving. He quickly made the decision that he was gonna stop acting so down about this and act normal until he was ready to share the news with the other boy.

He figured the best way to do this was ask him if he wanted to hang out to make up for the day before.

“You bet your dick I'm dreamy,” He said still chuckling, “But lay off, I'm taken.”

Jack smiled and made a ridiculously over exaggerated disappointed face.

“You wanna hang out tonight? I feel kinda bad about yesterday, Hayley has practice with her band, and Matt is apparently grounded or something, so I guess that just leaves me with you.”

“Oh. Thanks, Josh. I love being your last choice.” Jack said sarcastically.

The younger boy laughed, “Shut up. You wanna do something or not?”

Jack smiled, “Yeah, sounds good! Come to my place after school?”

“Sounds like a plan! See you then, mate!”

The Lebanese boy smiled widely again and then ran off to his next class. Josh smiled after him, then sighed and went to his own.


School had finally ended and the two boys were sitting on Jack's couch watching a live concert of some summer festival. They had junk food and a lot of it so they were in a pretty good mood.

Jack was immersed in the deliciously unhealthy food item that he was eating and laughing at Josh as he looked at the screen with wide eyes.

“Did you see that? That was so cool! The singer has complete control over everyone! And that note he just hit! Fucking hell! That would be an amazing career.”

Jack rolled his eyes, “Dude. Clearly, you haven't looked at the lead guitarist. That's always the best member. They can move around and do what the fuck they want. And because the main focus isn't on their sound they can fuck up a note or stop playing all together and no one even cares!”

The younger boy sighed, like the mere presence of Jack was draining. “No. The lead singer is and always will be the greatest member, hands down.”

Jack raised an eyebrow at Josh as the younger boy crossed his arms and pouted, “Fine, fine. Have it your way.”

The two stopped talking after that and got really into the show they were watching. It was pretty amazing, both boys could only imagine what it felt like to be playing music in front of that many people. People that were only there for the sole purpose of listening to you. It blew their minds just thinking about it.

As time had gone on though Jack had noticed that his companion was getting restless. He usually sat very still, when he got comfortable he didn't bother moving much, but right now he kept shaking his leg, or cracking his knuckles, or just shifting slightly on the couch. It was all very strange. The Lebanese boy shrugged and put it down to the younger boy just getting too into the live performance they were watching.

He soon realised that he had to pee so he got up from the couch to do so. After he'd gone he went down to his bedroom to check his phone for any messages or calls that he might have missed, there weren't any. He chucked his phone back on his bed and then went back up the stairs to rejoin Josh on the couch.

When he was a bit outside of the living room he heard Josh talking and sounding really annoyed.

“That was the wrong bloody note you idiot! You trying to ruin the whole fucking song?!”

Jack laughed but noticed that Josh genuinely sounded annoyed, not like he was joking. Was he really that wound up about some random show?

He walked back into the room and sat back down in the place he was in before, this time sitting sideways pulling his knees up to his chest, leaning his chin on them, and watching Josh.

His fidgeting had gotten worse and his face looked as annoyed as he had sounded a moment ago.


Jack raised an eyebrow and looking at Josh with concern. Okay, this was definitely not just about the concert they were watching.

“H-hey, Josh?” The older boy asked hesitantly for fear of being yelled at.

“What?!” The other boy snapped back.

Jack flinched, his eyes wide. Josh saw this and blinked confused.

“Oh, uh, sorry, Jack. Yeah?”

Glad that Josh had calmed down, or at least had made it seem like he had, he tried to talk to him again, hesitantly as before.

“Um, are you okay? I know I keep asking but, you're all tense and you seem to have something bothering you and you were like this the other day on the phone. I didn't want to bring it up again but, Josh, you can talk to me, you do know that, right? I mean, you always help me in some way when there's something upsetting me, even if it's just by listening so, like, I want to return the favour. I'm completely all ears for whatever you want to tell me.”

The English boy suddenly looked incredibly guilty, tired and also a tiny bit mad. He sighed, and when he spoke he sounded defeated and reluctant.

“Okay, Jack. Yes, there is something I have to tell you. But-I-I don't know how you're going to take it...”

The older boy's forehead crumpled in confusion, how he was gonna take it? This was about him?

“What do you-”

The other boy sighed, “It's about Alex.”


A/N: DUM DUM DUM *dramatic music* Is Josh finally gonna tell Jack? How's Jack gonna take it? Tune in next time to find out.
Hahaha We're finally getting somewhere! I'm excited because now things are gonna take off and all the plans that I have are going to start happening!
Also, school starts for me next Tuesday (Bring on the anxiety, social awkwardness, and complete loss of happiness, also known as, my ipod.) and I'm going to try and keep updates as frequent and on schedule as I can, but I don't know long that will carry on. Stick by me though, please!
Thanks for reading and all your wonderful comments!(:

OH, and I really need someone's opinion on the next chapter so if anyone would be willing to help, please message me on Tumblr, because I'm really stuck and I asked nicely If you help me I'll love you forever!

jack barakat, josh franceschi, jack barakat/alex gaskarth, alex gaskarth

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