You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Twenty

Aug 16, 2012 15:27

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new friend, that may think of him as more, also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to No One Does It Better-You Me At Six
A/N: At the End


Chapter Twenty

“L-lex?” Jack asked softly, his voice coated with surprise.

It took everything in Jack not to grab a hold of the boy on top of him, hug him back, and kiss him. He refrained though, thinking that probably wouldn't be the best thing to do. He felt the blonde on him nod his head then raise it. The Lebanese boy figured that Alex was now looking at him, it was hard to tell though, considering he still couldn't see much.

He decided to fix this and pushed the older boy off him, hearing the soft whine in protest that Alex gave, chuckling because, that was so Alex. After a few minutes of trying to find the light switch, Jack swearing and Alex laughing hysterically, the younger boy finally found the god damned thing and flicked it up, finally seeing the blonde's face.

He was smiling up at Jack with the happiest expression on his face, he looked like a kid that's just been let into a sweet shop and been told to get whatever he wants. This caused the older boy to laugh.

“Why do you look so happy?” He asked, between bursts of laughter.

“Because Jacky,” Alex said, rolling his eyes like it was the most obvious thing in the world, “You're here! Why didn't you tell me you were coming!? I missed you!”

Even drunk, Jack still felt a bit of warmth at what just came out of the blonde boy's mouth. Did Alex really care about him that much? Probably not, he was probably just drunk and affectionate. Jack wanted him to care that much though, because Jack cared about Alex that much and more.

This caused a surge of anger to flow through the Lebanese boy. He should care about Jack that much. Even though earlier he had promised Josh that he wouldn't yell at or confront Alex about anything, he was drunk and really didn't care about what he was doing at the moment.

“Really? You missed me?! Yeah, I bet that's true! You haven't spoken to me in fucking forever! The last time we spoke was a few days ago at your locker! And that was only because you dropped your stuff!” Jack gestured angrily with his hands, hoping that the gestures made sense with what he was saying. He'd seen people do it in movies and it looked cool then, but he wasn't sure how it looked now.

The boy still sitting on the ground looked up at Jack with tears in his eyes. When he spoke his voice was broken. “Jacky, I did miss you. W-why are you yelling at me?”

Even in Jack's drunken state, looking at Alex that vulnerable, and hearing him sound sad made Jack's heart hurt. Any anger he'd felt was instantly swept away. He sighed and sat down on the floor next to the blonde, wrapping his arms around him.

“I'm sorry, Lexy. I guess I've just missed you too. Please don't cry. Come on, let's go get a drink, we can celebrate being here together now.” Jack said, in what he hoped was a soothing and convincing way. He hadn't really been mad at Alex. Just a bit hurt. He decided that it didn't matter. If the older boy was willing to hang out now, then the Lebanese boy was gonna soak up his time with him.

At Jack's words the boy that he was hugging stiffened. “No. Let's-let's just stay in here. It's nice in here. We don't have to go out there.” He said rushed and frantically. He then jumped on to the bed and under the covers to show that he wasn't leaving any time soon.

Jack looked at the big lump on the bed that was Alex, confused. “Lex. I don't want to stay in here, it's boring and there aren't any drinks.” He whined. He hadn't had a drink in forever. And just when he was about to get one, Alex pushed him in here so basically, he needed a drink.

The English boy huffed and Jack could imagine him with his arms crossed like a five year old, “No. We have to stay in here. If we go out there I can't be with you. And I wanna be with you, Jacky!”

This confused the drunk Jack even more. Why couldn't Alex hang out with Jack outside of this room?

“Of course you can be with me, Lexy. I'm not gonna run away!” He chuckled as if that was the craziest and stupidest idea in the world, getting up to walk towards the door.

“No!” Jack heard Alex yell out, suddenly wrenched the covers away from himself and grabbing a hold of the younger boy, he then said in a softer voice, “Please stay here with me, Jacky. Pleeeease?”

The dark haired boy decided, what the fuck? He should just stay in this room. Even if he didn't get a drink, he still got to be with Alex, so was it all that bad? No. He looked down at his arm and saw, once again, the blonde boy's wrist, and the bruises on the wrist. He frowned and thought that Alex wasn't getting away with not telling Jack this time.

He grinned at the older boy, causing him to grin back thinking that Jack would finally just stay with him. “All right, Lex. I'll stay here.”

Alex smiled his sweet shop smile again and opened his mouth to say something, but the Lebanese boy cut him off. “But, only if you tell me how you got these.” He said, carefully running his fingers over the older boy's wrist that was still attached to Jack's.

The English boy frowned, and looked where Jack was looking. He obviously wasn't going to tell the dark haired boy how he got them. That would involve telling Jack that he'd broke his promise. And continued to break it, which only made Alex feel guilty. He tried to think of an excuse, not speaking for a minute or so. Before he could speak, Jack spoke again.

“Alex. Is everything okay with you and Kellin? I mean, if they aren't you should break up with him. ….please break up with him.” Jack said, pretty much whispering the last part.

The blonde boy laughed. “Everything is fine with me and Kellin, Jacky! I'm not gonna break up with him!”

Jack scrunched his forehead. That couldn't be right. He leaned against the wall, thinking.

“But....then how did you get-” He was cut off mid sentence by a pair of lips.

He made a noise of surprise and tried to push Alex away before realising that, holy fuck! Alex was kissing him! He stopped pushing him away, kissing back as hard as he could. Their lips worked together for a minuted, perfectly in sync.

Alex pulled back first, the two of them gasping and panting. Jack finally spoke, “W-why did? What-um? Kellin? You, I? What?”

The blonde smiled at Jack's confusion and the fact that he clearly had no recollection of their previous conversation, which was what he had hoped would happen. He hadn't had the time to think of a better distraction, plus he was drunk and a bit horny so he figured kissing Jack would be the best thing to do.

“Jacky, chill. It's fine. What Kellin doesn't know won't hurt him, and besides, its not like we're gonna be secretly dating or fucking behind his back, it's a one time thing. Let's just kiss for a while, yeah?”

The Lebanese boy looked up a Alex with a huge smile on his face. A part of him knew that this was wrong and horrible, and felt like they had something important to talk about, but another, bigger, drunker, happier part of him told the other part to shut the fuck up and kiss the blonde!

So Jack did. And soon Alex had pushed the Lebanese boy onto the bed. After that it was just a mess of tongues, hands, lip biting and moans, and the dark haired boy was happier than he'd been in a long, long time.


After roughly a half hour of heated making out Alex decided that enough was enough. He'd started to feel bad for making out with Jack while having a boyfriend, even if the younger boy was a really good kisser and it was physically hard for the blonde to stop kissing him.

He'd pulled away from Jack who had whined in protest. Panting, he said, “Okay, we really need to stop now. As much as I'm enjoying this,” He gestured around him at the bed, Jack, and himself. “I really need a drink and to find my boyfriend, because um, yeah....I feel kinda bad.”

Jack sighed and tried to hide his severe disappointment. He hated that Alex had to go back to Kellin, they'd been having such a nice time! The Lebanese boy couldn't really complain though, he had just got to spend a half hour making out with the boy of his dreams, so if now he had to go back to reality, he figured that was something he could deal with. And, yeah, even if he didn't want to admit it, he did kinda feel a bit guilty for making out with someone who had a boyfriend. Plus, he was kinda parched from his previous actions, so a drink sounded really good right about now.

“Yeah, you're right. Um, I won't, you know, tell anyone about this. I mean, not like anyone would believe me, but still.”

Alex smiled, he could always rely on Jack, no matter what. “Thanks, Jacky. And honestly, you are an amazing kisser. Whoever you decide to be with is a really lucky person.”

Jack smiled back, in what he hoped was a convincing way. “Uh, thanks Alex.” He bit his lip to keep from saying something stupid and just looked at the blonde.

After a minute the English boy said, “All right, well, I'm gonna go. I'll see ya later, maybe, yeah?”

The blonde was starting to get an itch under his skin. He knew that itch and really needed to get away from Jack and find Kellin. He walked out of the room, smiling and waving to Jack. Being with the younger boy made him feel really guilty, not just about kissing him while being with Kellin, he could just blame that on the alcohol. He was suddenly so overcome with guilt that he decided to get rid of it the only way he knew how. He felt guilty about the drugs. This was only increased as he walked away from Jack just to get his next fix.

Josh smiled and waved to his girlfriend. She was seriously perfect, he knew how lucky he was to have her. Especially knowing about Jack and his situation with Alex, Josh didn't take Hayley for granted. She was amazing.

They had just come back from their walk which had been brilliant. That was one of the things he loved about his girlfriend, even if they were doing something that didn't seem exciting in the slightest, it was always the highlight of his day.

They were back at the party now, they hadn't been gone long, only about forty-five minutes or so.
When they walked in Hayley had seen her friend Sierra and the three of them started talking. Josh then realised that he should probably go find Jack, see what he'd been up to, and make sure he was okay.

The girl with the undercut and his gorgeous, red-headed, girlfriend waved back as he walked away.

He walked through the house looking into every room he passed searching for the tall, lanky figure that was his friend Jack. He walked through a few rooms and stopped in the doorway of one, seeing someone that he recognised.

It was a tall figure, but it wasn't really lanky, and it was blonde. Josh knew it was Alex. He saw that he was with Kellin and they were whispering about something. The blue-eyed boy couldn't hear what it was but he watched them intently. He then saw the American hand his boyfriend a little bag of white powder.

Josh's eyes widened. He couldn't believe this. The boy saw that the American left the room through the opposite door after receiving a kiss from Alex. The blonde started to walk out of the room as well, but he didn't go the way Kellin did, he went towards Josh.

The dark haired boy saw the blonde look up and meet his eyes. The younger boy then said, “Alex. We need to talk,” And walked out of the room, looking behind him to make sure the blonde was following him.

He saw that after a quick pause in which he seemed to think it over, Alex started to follow, his shoulders slightly turning up in defensive way.


A/N: Ooooooo, drama! I seriously hope you guys like this one! Now you can stop yelling at me for lack of Jalex moments! So you guys seriously have to comment on this one please, even you silent readers, even though I'm still happy that you read, regardless of your lack or comments.
Thank you for reading!

jack barakat, josh franceschi, all time low, jack barakat/alex gaskarth, alex gaskarth

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