You've Become What I Hate Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter One

Jan 18, 2012 19:49

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new best friend, that may think of him as more also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to Sick Little Games-All Time Low
A/N: At the End


Chapter One

The day couldn't get much worse and it was only seven in the morning. Alex sat in his car thinking about all the things that had gone wrong so far. First, he woke up too late so he barely had time to shower and straighten his hair, he couldn't find the clothes that he had laid out last night so had to wear the dark skinnies and Blink shirt that he had worn yesterday and  his car wouldn't start for ten minutes so he was almost late. It was his first day at this school and he was not looking forward to it because if things continued as they had been going then it wasn't going to be good here. 
He didn't want to go in. He was nervous, he had moved a few times in his life and he wasn't good at making new friends, he was way too shy. He got up out of his car and looked at the school's sign, already having forgotten the name. Dulaney High. It was a strange name, different from the ones he had been to before. He hoped that Dulaney High would finally be the school where he could be seen and not just another shadow in the halls. He wanted everyone to know who he was and love him, or hate him, as long as they were talking about him he supposed. He made a pact with himself that he wouldn't be awkward and would actually be classified as "popular". He decided that he was going to act confident to convince himself as much as everyone else that he was someone worth knowing.

Alex walked toward the school doors. As he entered everyone stared at him. He hadn't thought that would happen and he started to get a knot in his stomach.....maybe a lot of attention wasn't for him. He decided to push that to the side and just keep walking. He went to the main office and got a map of the school, it told him that his first class was up the stairs, third door on the right. The lady behind the desk told him that he still had about twenty minutes before he had to be in class so Alex went on search of his locker.

He finally found it after five minutes of looking. He saw at the locker next to him a boy with black and  blonde hair, it kind of looked like a skunk, he had a large nose and seemed nice. Alex probably would have said hi but he was too shy, and besides, this didn't exactly look like one of the more "popular" kids so maybe he shouldn't be talking to him anyway. The kid said hi and Alex nodded at him at what he hoped was a cool and detached kind of way. Alex then picked  up the lock and put in the combination....or tried at least. The lock was barely turning! Of course this would happen to him, he was sure people were gonna start to stare if he didn't get it open so he started to turn it more roughly.

“Come on, come on you stupid lock! Turn! Open!” He said under his breath.

Suddenly he heard laughter coming from his right side. It was coming from that skunk headed kid. Alex glared at him.

“Is something funny?” He asked, annoyed at the kid.

“Um yeah, kinda, your lock is stuck, did you not notice?” The other boy asked.

Alex's eyes went wide. Was this kid serious?

“Yes. I kinda noticed.”

“Here let me show you a trick,” The kid pushed Alex out of the way and did something to the lock, Alex couldn't really see.

All of a sudden the lock sprang open. Alex couldn't believe it!

“How did you do that?!” Alex asked, maybe this kid wasn't so bad after all.

“Eh, I have my ways, I'm Jack by the way,” The kid, Jack, said.

“Alex,” Alex replied.

“So I guess you'll be needing me to open up your locker everyday then?”

“Um yeah.....I guess.”

“Haha ok cool, Love the shirt by the way, I'm a huge fan myself.” Jack seemed genuinely excited and not really like the goof he seemed at first. He was actually pretty hot, Alex thought.

“Really that's awesome, and thanks,” Alex said.

“Hey! You have the next class with me!” Jack said, peeking at the schedule in Alex's hand, “Come on I can take you to the class.”

Before Alex could answer Jack slammed Alex's locker shut, before he could actually put anything in it, locked the lock, and slung his arm through Alex's leaving him no choice but to come along. 'Okay,' Alex thought, 'Maybe today might not be so bad after all....'


One Month Later

It had been a few weeks since Alex had been to this school and he had to admit he was liking it better than he thought that he would. That was probably because of Jack though. He and Jack had become really close and Alex was surprised to find that he actually liked having a best friend. They hung out practically everyday after school and Jack always had some fun antic to do so they were never really bored.

Jack also introduced him to his friend Rian who was also pretty cool, he and Alex were pretty close too, but they still weren't as close as Alex and the Lebanese boy.

Even though Alex had a pretty good life he couldn't help thinking of he pact that he had made with himself, that he wanted to be "popular". He had found the group of kids that were classified as this and started to study them, but he didn't know how to get it with them.

Alex knew that he should just stop caring so much and be happy that he had two really amazing friends who liked even though he wasn't "cool", but the thought that everyone would look up to him and practically worship the ground that he walked on was just so tempting.

One day Jack and Alex were hanging at Jack's house when Alex was thinking about becoming "popular". He was deep in thought and Jack noticed.

"Dude, what are you thinking about?" Jack asked.

"Huh? Oh, um, nothing...." Alex replied chewing his lip.

"Well you must be thinking of something, I just killed you like four times this game!"

Alex decided that he would confide in Jack. He put down his game controller and said,

"Okay Jack, if you wanna know what I'm thinking about you can't tell anyone."

Jack looked a bit confused and then said, "Uh, yeah sure.....what's up?"

Jack was a bit worried, what was Alex going to say? Could this be it? Was he finally going to come out to Jack and tell him that he loved him? It wasn't really that romantic, him blurting it out while they were playing video games in his basement, but Jack loved Alex so much that he didn't really care. He sat there nervous and holding his breath.

"Okay. Well I've moved a lot in my life so I've never really been in school long enough to grow roots or anything and no one ever really remembers or knows me, but I'm done moving schools so I am able to, I can make everyone see me! And I finally want to do it Jack. I feel like right now the time is right."

Jack just stared. Was this really it? He started smiling bigger than he had ever smiled before. Alex was still talking but Jack had zoned out a bit, he had gotten lost in Alex's perfect mouth moving and his perfect bushy caterpillar eyebrows moving up and down excitedly, like the Duracell bunny on crack, as he talked. He started to focus again.

"So do you understand Jack?"

"Yes! Of course I do! I feel exactly the same way to you! I can't wait for our new lives together to start!"

Alex was confused.....what?

"Um, wait what? I'm talking about becoming popular at school..........what, ah, what were you talking about?"

Jack, who had just taken a sip of Coke, choked and turned bright red,

"Ummm yeah! Yeah that's, that's what I was talking about too, you know, I feel like you should be popular and stuff..." He laughed awkwardly.

"But you said, 'our lives together'" Alex said.

"Nope. I didn't. So um do you want my help?"

"Yeah, that'd be pretty great!"

The two of them spent most of the Sunday planning on ways to make Alex "popular". Alex was excited, he was finally gonna have so many friends and have everyone be jealous of him! It was gonna be awesome!

Jack, on the other hand, was kind of put out by what Alex said, he said that he would help him become "popular" and he would, he would do anything for was just, Jack knew that if Alex actually did reach his goal he wouldn't be friends with Jack any more. Jack wasn't cool, he was goofy. He wasn't unbelievably sexy, he was awkward and lanky. He didn't drink or do drugs too much, he thought that stuff was stupid, he wasn't really a party animal. And most importantly, he wasn't confident. He could be when he was around people that he liked, but otherwise he had trouble speaking. He really hoped that those "popular" people wouldn't care about Alex, but he knew that of course they would. Alex was perfect. He was cool, he was beyond sexy, and he was one of the most confident people he knew, even though Alex always said he was shy and nervous, that kid was born to be in the spotlight!

The two ended up with a plan, although it wasn't very elaborate and was very obvious. Jack told Alex that he would need new clothes, no more Blink and NFG shirts, "popular" kids didn't wear band shirts. And if they did it could only be a shit pop band. Jack gave him a Bieber shirt.

"Hey Jack, where did you get this?" Alex asked, he wasn't sure how he felt about his best friend just casually owning a Bieber shirt.

"Um.....................don't remember." Jack replied.

There was an awkward silence. Jack looked at his feet. Alex decided not to ask further.

This meant that he couldn't wear skinny jeans any more either. "Popular" kids thought skinny jeans were stupid on guys, so Alex would have to wear either really baggy skinny jeans that were practically only skinny at the ankles or bootleg ones. Also, the "popular" kids always had a look on their face that looked like they had smelled something bad, Jack told Alex that this was apparently supposed to look sexy. Also if he was invited to any parties he went. And he brought beer. Or drugs. Whatever.

At this Alex looked a bit uncomfortable,"Can I skip the drugs thing?" He asked in a quiet voice.

Jack didn't answer for a few seconds, it was weird, whenever drugs were mentioned, in class, jokes, whenever, Alex always got this look on his face. It wasn't a happy look, Jack couldn't figure it out. He honestly didn't want to ask, but if Alex wanted to be "popular"....

"Um no. Not what's the problem with you and drugs anyway? Whenever they come up you always just kind of deflate." Jack didn't think that he would reply, he just stood there chewing his lip, he felt bad for asking.

Finally after a minute or two Alex told him, "Well brother is....was addicted to heroine and marijuana. It didn't end well, he....he....he died a few years ago from a heroine overdose."

Alex was on the verge of tears. He had never told anyone that before, and even though it was one of the hardest things to say aloud, he was glad that he had finally told someone. No. He was glad that he had told Jack. There was just something about that lanky Lebanese man that made Alex want to tell him everything, all his secrets and fears. He just knew that Jack would never judge and would always make everything, no matter what better. He tried to fight the tears, and he could. For a minute.

Jack saw Alex break down and instantly ran to hold him. He didn't care if this guys probably didn't do this and it was probably an obvious sign that he felt things for Alex but at that moment he didn't care. He just wanted Alex happy.

After around five minutes of Alex sobbing onto Jack's shoulders and Jack soothing him saying nonsense that didn't matter but that he hoped was helping. Alex finally stopped.

"So....should we get back to the plan then?" He asked, hoping Jack wouldn't acknowledge his breakdown and they could just go back to what they were doing.

"Yeah, of course!" Jack answered as happily as he could manage, sensing that Alex didn't want to talk about that incident and wanted to focus his attention elsewhere.

After prepping for another few hours the boys went to sleep. Alex thinking and dreaming about finally becoming popular and Jack thinking and having nightmares of Alex becoming "popular", being horrible to him and ignoring him and becoming someone that wasn't at all him....but that was silly, that wasn't his Alex right? His Alex knew better. But maybe his Alex would be transformed into someone else altogether.


A/N: Ummm ok so this is my first fan fiction EVER and I don't know if it is any good or not, personally I think that it's shit, Oh well! Wanted to write one anyway! Please comment with any ideas or helpful advide(: Thanks for actually reading my crappy fan fic! :D

jalex, jack barakat, alex gaskarth

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