You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Nineteen

Aug 13, 2012 19:57

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new friend, that may think of him as more, also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to The Party Scene-All Time Low
A/N: At the End


Chapter Nineteen

Jack stood and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked himself up and down scrutinizing his outfit and hairstyle. He wanted to look good. He knew it was silly and he didn't even like most of the people going to the party tonight, but still. He figured that was the way popularity made people felt.

The boy thought about the last time he had done this, stood in front of a mirror and looked over the way he was dressed before a party. The last time, he was going with-

'No.' He thought., gritting his teeth. 'I will not think of that person. Not tonight.'

He was simply going to have a good time, with no worries and his two good friends Josh and Matt. If he started thinking stupid depressing thoughts then he'd drink until they went away. It seemed like a good idea to him.

After deciding that his outfit was fine he went to his room to grab his phone before leaving his mom a note telling her he was staying at Josh's for the night and then waiting for said boy to pick him up. He soon heard the honk of a horn and ran outside to meet his good friend. Now they just had to pick up Matt and Jack could finally have some fun for the first time in what felt like forever.


Alex stood and looked at himself in the mirror. He had to look good. He always had to look especially good when the party was at Kellin's, being the host's boyfriend and consequently, eye candy. It was stupid, he thought, how he had to look exceptional at the start of the party but after the first half hour, at the most, everyone was trashed and half naked anyway. He wasn't going to question Kellin though.

He turned around for the fifth time that night and asked the American what he thought about Alex's outfit. The blonde thought this one looked really good, but then again, he thought the other four did too.

“Eh. I guess that'll do. You do look pretty sexy, I suppose. It's just,” Kellin got off his bed and walked over to see the blonde more closely, “Maybe hit the gym a little, it looks like you've gained a little weight, we don't want that.”

Alex pressed his lips together, at first he was happy that he could finally stop changing and then he was just annoyed. He decided that he didn't want to fight with Kellin at the moment so he said in a terse voice. “Yeah, okay, I'll think about it. We should probably go downstairs now. The party is about to start.”

The dark haired boy didn't respond at first. Only walked over to Alex who stood there turned around with his arms crossed with a mimicking pout on his face.

“Aw, did I say something to upset little Alex?”

The English boy shortly said “no” and started walking towards the door. He saw that his path was blocked though because Kellin was standing in front of it. He sighed, “What are you doing?”

“Come here” The older boy said making a finger gesture that meant the same. Alex recognised the voice Kellin was using as his seductive voice. “I'm sorry.”

“You didn't do anything.” Alex mumbled looking at the ground, still with crossed arms.

“Uh-huh. Love, I know that you just took forever putting those clothes on but, do you think we could take them off for a little bit?”

The English boy continued to look at the ground, knowing that if he looked up and saw his boyfriends face he wouldn't be able to help going along with what he wanted. Alex wanted to, but he was stubborn and wanted to say no more.

“Kellin, we have to be downstairs for the party. We're the hosts. How will it look if we aren't down there?”

Kellin was persistent though and knew that he was gonna win this. “Exactly, we're the hosts. We can do what the fuck we want. And incidentally, if we aren't down there, that's what it'll look like. Like we're fucking. Which, we will be. Do you see a problem with this?”

Alex couldn't think of a response, because honestly, he really couldn't. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, before the America got tired of it and kissed him. Okay, so maybe it wasn't horrible not being a stubborn bastard for once.


It had been an hour and Jack was trying his hardest to enjoy himself. He drank everything in his sight and passing by in his general direction and all was good. He'd been hanging out with Matt, Josh, and Hayley all night. Josh's girlfriend had seemed a bit wary of Jack and Matt at first, they not being popular, but had she eventually warmed up to them.

Jack had seen glimpses of the-boy-who-shall-not-be named but had never tried to talk to him or anything. Said boy-with-the-forbidden-name hadn't seemed to see Jack anyway, which was good.

Now the Lebanese boy was sprawled out on a couch in the middle of Josh and Hayley with his arms around each of their shoulders. Matt had gone off ages ago with some random girl that he said was, “Too hot not to be banged” and hadn't been seen since. Jack was too drunk to notice, or drunk enough to ignore what he didn't want to see, the slightly annoyed, awkward looks on Hayley and Josh's faces.

After they put up with Jack for about ten minutes Hayley got up and asked Josh if he wanted to go for a walk or something. The English boy told her he'd meet her outside and she left.

“Hey Jack,” Josh said in a voice that sounded like he was talking to a five-year-old, “I'm gonna go for a walk for a bit. Are you gonna be okay on your own?” The younger boy bit his lip. He was a little wary about leaving Jack alone, he wanted to help cheer up the kid, but the lanky boy seemed in a really good mood at the moment so Josh figured it was fine for him to leave for a little while.

“Yeah, yeah, Josh. You don't have to look after me you know. I'm fine! I'm just gonna get another drink, I think.”

The English boy nodded and with a quick “okay”, walked off to meet his girlfriend.

After being on his own a minute Jack suddenly started to laugh his head off, not noticing the random funny looks he was getting. “Josh! Ohmygod! Josh! Did you hear that?! That totally rhymed!” He scrunched his forehead in confusion and annoyance at the lack of response. Why wasn't Josh laughing or commenting on Jack's genius?! The Lebanese boy looked around. Oh yeah, he left.

Jack decided to do what he told the English boy he would and went in search of a drink. On the way, while watching his feet to make sure they didn't trip over each other, he bumped into someone.

“Oh my god! I'm so sorry bro!” He started laughing, he was so clumsy. The next thing he knew someone was yelling, “Jacky!” in a surprised, excited way, and pushing him into an empty room.

Obviously, being as tall and lanky as he is, Jack is a clumsy human being. And that's sober. So when someone is pushing him into a room, drunk, and when he doesn't know about it, obviously he's going to fall.

Because he fell, the person that pushed him fell too, he had been leaning on the Lebanese boy. The stranger was now lying on top of Jack and he just really wanted to know who it was. The light in the room was off and the guy on top of him had managed to close the door so the only light in the room was the faint light from the window.

Jack then realised who the person on top of him, now hugging him tightly with his face buried in Jack's chest, was. There was really only one person who it could be, it just took the lanky boy a minute to realise it because he was drunk. But there was only one person that ever called him 'Jacky'. The-boy-who-shall-not-be-named.


A/N: Okay, so I'm hoping that this chapter is better than the last and back to my normal writing standards, even if it is shorter. I'm starting to worry that my writing is on a decline which is certainly not good. I think it's just because it's awkward for me to segue into things, and I want to write the good parts already but I don't want to rush things, but I hate fillers, so they usually suck when I write them and still kinda do seem rushed. Sorry, just kinda venting. I've not been in a good mood recently because I haven't been home for three weeks and there's still a week and a half until I go back to my own country and I'm able to listen to my music again, and I apparently feel the need to tell the internet boring shit that no one cares about.

So anyway, thanks for reading. I know this is slow, and not so Jalex but I promise it should pick up soon-ish. Please comment with your thoughts even if they're like, “Bitch, we don't care about what's going on in your head, just write the god damn story.” Thank you if anyone even read this author's note! Haha

Oh! And quick PS. The reason I updated today is because I just realised that I wont be by a computer tomorrow, be excited. But this also means I'll probably still update on Thursday instead of Wednesday...we'll see what happens though!

josh franceschi, all time low, jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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