You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Seventeen

Aug 10, 2012 19:02

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new friend, that may think of him as more, also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to King For A Day-Pierce The Veil Feat. Kellin Quinn
A/N: At the End


Chapter Seventeen

Weeks later Jack walked into school in a horrible mood. He'd heard about the new “It-couple”. Of course he had, who hadn't? It was kind of hard not to considering people wouldn't shut up about it. Apparently, the fact the Kellin Quinn had asked Alex Gaskarth to be his boyfriend was the greatest thing to happen since, ever. And everyone was jealous of Alex because apparently Kellin was the greatest thing since, before ever!

If people would stop talking about it then maybe Jack could at least forget about it a little, but he couldn't because people wouldn't shut up about it. And honestly, that was beginning to make the whole thing seem like a really bad joke and Jack was just waiting for the punch line because it didn't seem real and Jack just really wanted to tear his fucking hair out.

He shook his head and put in his headphones to block out the high pitch squeals of, “Oh my god and did you see them at the last football game? Sooo cute. They were all wrapped up in a blanket and keep giving each other little kisses. Adorable!!”

Finally he got to his locker to see Matt and Josh leaning against it, as per usual, and talking. When Jack showed up Josh gave Jack a stern look.

“All right Jack, we've decided that you're gonna stop moping over this whole stupid Alex being with Kellin thing.”

Jack opened his mouth to protest before Matt cut him off,

“No Jack, Josh is right. It's been weeks. I mean I know you had some crush on Alex, or whatever, but its really not worth it any more. You need to have fun.”

Jack grumbled,what the fuck did they know? They'd never felt this horrible feeling before. It was one of the worst ever. Alex and Kellin being together Jack thought, he could handle that on its own, but it was more than that. First of all, it was the fact the everyone, even the teachers, seemed to have no lives of their own and only talked about it, the dream couple were seem everywhere, every social gathering, every sporting event, everywhere. And finally, the worst part, the part that seemed to rip a new tear in Jack's heart every time, the fact that when ever Alex saw Jack when he was with Kellin he would give the younger boy the most superior smirk and move closer to Kellin. What was that all about? The Lebanese boy honestly didn't think it was fair that the Universe was fucking with him so much.

And it was affecting his social life as well. He pretty much refused going anywhere nowadays for fear that he'd seem them. And now it was affecting his relationship with Josh and Matt. He felt guilty and decided that he'd go along with whatever they decided was the “fun” thing that was supposed to cheer him up, no matter what it was.

He looked at his two friends and tried to smile, though he knew it probably looked very false, “All right. You guys are right. What did you have in mind?”

The two looked at each other surprised. They'd been trying to get Jack to go out with them for a while now, ever since what they'd secretly begun to call “The Incident” and each time the Lebanese boy would either ignore them, or snap at them until they changed the subject.

When Josh spoke he sounded a bit taken aback, “Uh-uhm. Right. Well, see there's this party this weekend and we thought that taking you to it would be good for you. We think you need to just relax, have fun, and get drunk with your friends. I mean, I think it'd be good for all of us, because Matt and I haven't been to a party in a while considering we go to your house instead, being the amazing friends that we are so, we all need this. What do you say?”

Jack chuckled at Josh and Matt's surprise at his willingness but froze at the mention of their “fun”. Really? A party? Did it have to be a party? And he'd already promised himself that he'd say yes to whatever it was, so he couldn't say no. But really?! He knew, without a doubt, that if there was a party then they would be there. He sighed. He did owe this to Josh and Matt though.

So, no matter how much he wanted to scream no in their faces and run away he said, “Okay, you guys are right. I think this will be good for me.”

His friends smiled and then Josh said, “Well, we'll see you in class, we have to go now or we'll be late again and I really can't deal with extra work. Bye!”

The two quickly walked away and Josh turned around a little down the hallway and quickly said, “Oh, one other, tiny, little, pretty much irrelevant detail, um, it's Kellin's party. 'K bye!”

Jack groaned and buried his head in his locker. Of course it was Kellin's party. 'Oh well,' he thought, 'This just means I drink as much as I can so I don't know or care what's going on around me'

With this plan in mind he smiled and shut his locker. He jumped when he saw the person at the locker next to him. He looked at his phone. Shit. He always planned going to his locker specifically so he didn't have to see Alex. He was late today.

He quickly shook his head to stop staring and decided to just casually walk away. But then Alex pulled something out of the bottom of his locker and everything else in it fell out. He heard the blonde say, “Shit”. Jack internally groaned. He couldn't just leave him. He reluctantly knelt down to help Alex pick all his stuff up.

“Here. Let me help.” he mumbled.

Alex looked up at him and met his eyes, Jack had to fight to keep the gasp coming out of his lips. His eyes. The dark haired boy had always been able to read Alex through his facial expressions and little quirks, but through his eyes was the easiest. Alex looked horrible. Jack knew that any casual observer wouldn't see it but one look at those eyes from the younger boy was enough for him to notice something was wrong. Something big.

His eyes looked hurt. And they were screaming for help. Jack instantly wanted to know what was wrong.

“T-thanks, Jack.” Alex said softly.

And Jack knew that this quiet broken voice was the real Alex. Not the confident and cocky voice he put on in front of everyone else. Everyone “important”.

“Its fine. Alex.” He took a deep breath and quietly said, “Is everything okay?”

Jack knew that Alex knew Jack wasn't talking about the spilt contents of his locker. But the blonde decided to act like he didn't.

“Yeah, its just a little accident Jack, every thing's back now, its all good.”
But it was when Alex reached up to put a book on the high shelf in his locker that Jack really had to fight the gasp from coming. He felt horrified. When the blonde put the book on the shelf the sleeve of his hoodie fell down revealing his wrist. On said wrist were a bunch of bruises. This wasn't the worst part. The worst part was that these bunch of little bruises looked like finger marks.

Jack's eyes widened and then met Alex's again. The blondes eyes mirrored Jack's except they widened in fear rather than surprise. He quickly pulled his hand down and the sleeve of his hoodie. The younger boy opened his mouth to confront Alex and demand to be told what was going on, but the blonde cut him off.

With a soft broken voice that broke Jack's heart that little bit more, Alex said, “Don't. Please. Please, just don't ask.”

And then he slammed his locker shut and seemed to race off to class with his books clutched to his chest. He hadn't even put his cocky, popular Alex persona back up yet.

Jack stood in the same spot for a few more minutes, then shook his head and walked to class.


Alex sat in the last class of the day and stared at the clock. It was history, his best subject, so he didn't need to pay attention completely, he'd still understand what was going on.

'Five more minutes, only five more minutes' He chanted to himself in his head. He couldn't stand the feeling of Jack baring holes in the back of his head every second. It had been like that all day, every class, ever since earlier when the dark haired boy had seen his wrist.

Alex shivered, that should not have happened. He knew that. But, in a way, he was glad that out of anyone to have seen it had been Jack. He missed that boy. He hadn't been allowed to see him lately so talking to him this morning, no matter the reason, had been kind of nice.

All of a sudden he realised that some girl was talking to him, and it was a “popular” girl so he couldn't ignore her. Luckily, he didn't have to talk to her for too long about the new reality show on MTV and how it would be so “awesome to one of those!” because the bell rang.

Alex was relieved. Now he wouldn't have to be aware of Jack constantly worrying about him. But he was also terrified.

He slowly got out of his chair, took as long as he could to get his stuff and walk to his locker. He waited until Jack had gone to his, put his stuff away and met up with Matt and Josh before Alex went to his locker.

He watched the three walk away feeling the jealously that he always felt when he saw Matt and Josh with Jack. They got to hang out with him. They got to see his smile, make him laugh, listen to his voice, just be around him! Alex missed that.

Sometimes, Alex wasn't even allowed to hang out with Josh, even though he was “popular” and so the blonde even missed him too.

He sighed and closed his locker. He had got himself into this, it was his own fault. He couldn't feel bad about it now.

He walked to the front doors seeing his “loving” boyfriend in his car right outside the school. He took a deep breath and put on his cool demeanour knowing everyone would be watching the “It couple be all adorable. Alex had to put on a show. He was pretty good at it by now. Having rehearsed his lines and movements so many times before. He didn't have to think about it much now. It was automatic.

He began his walk, everyone giggling and watching him. He plastered a smile on his face then sent his boyfriend googly eyes that showed everyone how much the blonde loved him. He finally made it to the car, opened the door, put on his “overly excited, i-love-you-so-much” squeal and said, “Baby!” wearing that gooey smile that apparently was what you wore when you liked someone.

He looked up and saw the satisfaction in Kellin's eyes when he leaned in to kiss Alex. The blonde was relieved. He'd done good today. He'd get his reward.


A/N: Sorry if I updated this a bit later than I usually do, the internet connection sometimes goes to shit here. Hope you all liked this chapter, or at least found it interesting. I think it's a good important one(: I seem to not be getting too many comments, I don't know if that's because not as many people are reading or a lot of you are silent readers, not that I'm not grateful for the comments I have gotten or the silent readers, its just nice to get the occasional feedback so I know if I have to change anything or keep going as I am. So, as a total bribe motivation I've decided that if I get a lot of comments on this chapter I will post a cutesy, fluffy one shot tomorrow! (This is also to kind of make up for my lack of Jalex thus far.) Soooo comment, comment, comment! Thanks for reading! :D

jack barakat, josh franceschi, all time low, jack barakat/alex gaskarth, alex gaskarth

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