You've Become What I Hate, Sold Yourself For A Bit Of Fame: Chapter Nine

Mar 29, 2012 20:15

Summary: Alex has just moved for the last of many times to Dulaney High school. He has decided that this is the year and school that he will try and become "popular" but if that happened would it be a bad thing? And will finding a new friend, that may think of him as more, also affect it?....
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, sadly. Title goes to Bite My Tongue-You Me At Six, Cut goes to Hard To Swallow-You Me At Six
A/N: At the End


Chapter Nine

Jack sighed and looked at his phone. Alex was supposed to meet him at this music shop about fifteen minutes ago. The two had been meeting there at the same time every Thursday after school for weeks now and Alex was never late.

What the fuck!? Jack was pissed, the least Alex could do was reply to one of his texts and give a reason why he wasn't there.

The Lebanese boy was a bit hurt too, it wasn't just the fact that Alex wasn't at the the music shop with him and hadn't said a word about why, that was really just one little thing, but it was a bunch of little things that had happened recently and frankly Jack was a bit sick of it.

He had thought that when he went to the party with Alex things were getting better between the two, and they kinda had, but their friendship had become to seem a bit more strained on Jack's part.

He had reason to feel annoyed with Alex because he was the reason that their friendship was strained. Jack hadn't changed, at least he was pretty sure that he hadn't, it was Alex.

He and Jack had things, like little friendships things that were cute and adorable and everyone was jealous of because they wanted a friendship like Alex and Jacks, routine things, one of them being every Thursday they meet at the record shop a bit after school ended, another being that Jack brought Alex to school every morning getting breakfast at a quick drive through place and always ordering the same thing, and another one being that no matter how "popular" Alex had got he would always sit with Jack at lunch at least once a week, he would make time for him.

Alex had been lacking in these things lately, today he hadn't come to the music shop and had yet to give an explanation, he wouldn't be outside when Jack came to pick him up and when he got to school Jack would find that Alex had gotten a ride with one of his "cooler" friends, and finally Alex never sat with him any more. Ever. It was really starting to bug Jack.

There were other things too, like Alex's mood had changed a bit recently, not drastically, he would just randomly say annoying phrases that he would never have said before, give snide looks to people like he was better to them, and little things like that, people probably wouldn’t even notice, but Jack wasn't people and he had noticed. Things were really starting to get to Jack.

He sighed again and decided to not think of Alex any more because when he did he got sad. Alex was his best friend. Ever since Jack had first seen him with his face scrunched up in annoyance and anger at his locker on his first day Jack had liked the kid. There were even times when Jack had thought that maybe things between them could be more then just best friendness, and he had thought that maybe Alex had thought that way too.

Oh well. Alex was just one guy that Jack had a teeny crush on, he would get over it. And they were still friends, people change, Jack was being stupid.

He actually pushed his thoughts away this time and decided to buy himself a cd to bring up his mood like only music could. He traipsed over to the section that he was usually in, punk pop, and didn't even notice when he ran right into somebody.

"Oh shit, sorry! Hey, Jack?!" Jack's head whipped up. He knew that voice. Though what it was doing here, in his favourite shop, and in this section, he had no idea.

"Josh?" He asked confused, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

He looked at Josh's hands and saw a cd in it. A Blink cd. Well, that was a surprise.

"Are you kidding? This is one of my favourite shops! I come here like all the time!" He said excited and wide eyed.

"Really?" Jack asked, still shocked "It's one of my favourites too, I'm in here all the time with-um-just all the time," He had almost brought up Alex, something he did not want to do.

"Wow! That's so cool! I can't believe I've never seen you in here before!" Josh said practically jumping in excitement, wow he was really happy about seeing Jack, said boy just laughed, Josh was really bringing his mood up, he was so excited that Jack couldn't help being that excited as well.

"I know, that is really weird. I mean I didn't even think that you liked this kind of music to be honest."

"Oh yeah, I do, I mean I don't get to talk about it much, being the only one of my friends that likes it, except for, like, Alex, but he doesn't like talking about it much either for some reason, which is why it's so cool to see you here!" Josh practically yelled.

Jack laughed again even though his gut twisted at Alex's name. He could guess as to why Alex didn't talk to Josh much about good music, it probably wouldn't be that “cool”.

"It's good to see you too Josh," Jack said with an actual smile on his mouth, because it was true, he did like seeing Josh, he could actually see himself becoming pretty close friends with the guy. It could happen too, about a week ago Rian's parents had yanked him and his family away to California because his dad had gotten a job there, it was pretty much the worse time for that to happen considering Rian was basically Jack's only friend and that was when Alex had started acting weird.

Almost the identical thing had happened to Josh. His best friend Oli had had to move away too, except it wasn't for a job, it was because he had gotten into trouble enough times in town with too many people and his parents had decided to send him to military school, which was okay for pretty much everyone, well except for Josh.

"Hey, so are you going to buy that cd?" Josh asked gesturing to the one in Jack's hands.

Jack nodded.

"Cool, I've never heard it, tell me if it's any good?" Josh asked sounding hopeful.

Jack decided to try and get their friendship going. "Well, how about this, I've actually never heard on the one in your hands either, which is pretty surprising because it's a Blink cd and I know every thing about them, so how about I go and pay for this and you come over to my house and we can listen to these together?"

Jack couldn't help but smile at Josh's face, it had lit up so bright at what Jack had just said that it was blinding. "Sure! Sounds great!" He practically yelled.

Jack was happy, maybe now he could just get lost in this new music and a new friend and forget about Alex for the time being. Yeah right. Thoughts of that boy never left his head.


A/N: All right, so my ipod broke the other day (madly depressing) so I probably won't be updating as frequently, although I wasn't that frequent anyway, but my laptop is really slow so I will try my hardest to continue to update! I'm not sure if this chapter's any good, so if you read please comment because I'm not getting many and it's surprisingly unmotivating. But on a totally unrelated and happier note, I went to an Asking Alexandria concert last night and they were fucking amazing! But yeah thanks for reading!

jack barakat, all time low, bandom, fan fiction, alex gaskarth

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