I Will Go Down With This Ship: Chapter Fifteen

Jan 09, 2013 16:52

Summary:Everyone in the class will be assigned a pen pal in another country and will have to write letters back and forth to them for at least a month. Whether the student would like to continue writing/communicating with their "pal" is up to them. The purpose of this assignment is to have a broader understanding of different cultures and to show that in a world of technology, a single letter may still have a lot of effect in one's life.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone because they're all out bra shopping with Callum :') Title goes to White Flag-Dido, Cut to Amsterdam-Coldplay
A/N: At The End :-)


Jack smiled his famous thousand watt smile as Alex said goodbye to his mom and walked towards Jack's car. It was the blonde's first day at an American high school and he was really excited. During the final days of the Christmas holidays Jack had tried to inform Alex of the horrors and psychologically damaging things that come along with high school, but the English boy wasn't having any of it.

“Helloooo Smexual Lexual!” Jack called as Alex opened the passenger side of the car and got in.

The blonde chuckled at the Lebanese boy, giving him an amused smile as he asked, “Another nickname? I really don't know how you come up with these things.”

Jack nodded ferociously, “Only for you, Sex Puppet!” and then pulled out of the driveway as Alex laughed.

The blonde's new house was only a short distance from Jack's, something that made them both quite happy. The Lebanese boy had taken it upon himself to drive Alex to school every single day because that was what “total, very manly, gentlemen” do.

“OH! Lex, I have some sad news.” Jack said with a pout. The blonde scrunched his eyebrows, “Yes?”

The younger boy sighed over dramatically, “Sam isn't going to be in school this week. So you have to wait to meet him. Isn't that horrible?! You don't get to meet my best friend! Well...I suppose you can meet Rian, but who would want to? He's a prick. I don't even know why I'm friends with the kid. Maybe because he likes sucking my dick.”

Alex just chuckled at some classic excited Jack rambling as the boy suddenly looked over with his eyes wide, “Um, no, no! Sorry. Rian likes sucking my dick but he doesn't get to because that's your job. Don't worry, he won't steal it from you.”

“Good.” The blonde said, trying to sound completely serious but failing because of how ridiculous the other boy sounded.

“You're the only one that I want sucking my dick, Lexysex. I promise.” Alex opened his mouth to respond, before the other boy cut him off, “Well...I'm still game for some Leonardo DiCaprio. Ooooo and Johnny Depp. That'd be nice...but still. You're at the top of the list!” He said with a large grin.

The blonde giggled, “Thanks, Jacky. ...but what about Mark Hoppus?”

Jack sucked in a gasp, his eyes going wide, “How could I forget!? OH BLINK GODS DON'T STRIKE ME DOWN! I WANT MARK HOPPUS SUCKING MY DICK, I SWEEEAARRRR!”

Conversation in the car went along the same lines for a while longer, Jack making Alex laugh and the blonde attempting to make things semi-serious and then eventually giving up and smiling at his companion.

“Oh! Alex! I learned how to play All The Small Things on Secksy!” The Lebanese boy said, eye bright and excited.

Alex snorted and laughed, “What?”

“The guitarrrr, Love!” Jack said, with a “duhhh” tone in his voice.

The blonde's face fell slightly, “Oh.” He almost whispered.

Jack looked confused, “Why are you sad?”

Alex bit his lip, reluctantly getting out, “I just...it's stupid...but um...well you said that if you ever got a guitar, you'd name it after me and I guess I just took that too seriously, I mean considering I did get it for you...s'stupid...”

The dark haired boy looked at Alex like he was insane. He looked for so long that the blonde had to wave his hand in front of his face and tell him that the traffic light had turned green. As Jack put his foot on the pedal he said, “Xander. I did name the guitar after you!”

It was Alex's turn to look confused, “But you said it was named....oh.” He said, his face going red slightly.

Jack beamed. Then, as the English boy looked out the passenger side window, trying to hide the slight blush, the younger boy slowly moved his hand towards Alex's. The hand lingered above his companions, trying to decide whether grabbing it was a good idea or not. After a slight shrug he decided, fuck it, and moved his hand down.

The blonde looked over surprised, then the redness of his face got even deeper.


“I don't like it.” Alex announced as he sat down at Jack's lunch table, glad to finally have time with Jack alone. Rian was sitting with some girl called Cassadee who, as Jack declared, 'He probably only likes her for her body. I don't understand why though. Females. Gross.'

“I told you high school sucked.” Jack replied with his tongue out mockingly.

Alex huffed, “No. I really don't like it. People keep coming up to me and demanding I speak because apparently my accent is 'major presh', whatever that means! And then they ask me the most annoying fucking questions. Like, no I don't know the fucking queen, no I don't wear a fucking top hat, and NO I DON'T NEED TEA EVERY FUCKING SECOND.”

Jack's eyes widened slightly. He'd never really seen Alex this agitated, but he had to admit, it was pretty adorable. “Well...you are kinda a tea obsessor, Babe.” He said, an eyebrow raised in amusement.

The blonde pursed his lips and tried to give Jack a stern look, failing when the Lebanese boy pulled an over exaggerated kissy face.

“Wait. So that's the only reason you don't like this place? The people? What about the work? The teachers?”

Alex shrugged, “I don't know what you were going on about earlier. The work isn't hard in the slightest. And the teachers all love me.”

“Fucking genius.” Jack mumbled to himself.

Alex just chuckled. Then he sighed, “I can understand why you don't like most of these people. I'll probably get used to them soon but it's just really annoying at the moment.”

The Lebanese boy grinned, “It's your fault for being so sexy and having an accent to match, Lexysex!”

The blonde rolled his eyes.

“Look. Alex,” Jack began, getting serious, “Erm...I think I have a way to cheer you up...”

Alex smiled, “Yes, Jackary?”

The younger boy chuckled, gaining back his Jack Confidence, “Well, how about you and I go on a date this Friday? Think that'll get you through the rest of the week?”

The blonde blushed and tried to contain just how massive his smile was, “Uh, yeah. I think that could work.”


A/N: Sorry this took so long but I've been stressing over exams and barely holding onto my sanity. But anyway, hope you like this! Thanks for reading, you're all beautyfull! Mwah :*
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