I Will Go Down With This Ship: New Years

Dec 31, 2012 15:50

Summary:Everyone in the class will be assigned a pen pal in another country and will have to write letters back and forth to them for at least a month. Whether the student would like to continue writing/communicating with their "pal" is up to them. The purpose of this assignment is to have a broader understanding of different cultures and to show that in a world of technology, a single letter may still have a lot of effect in one's life.
Disclaimer: Only wishing this would happen. It's all about as true as my being a sex fiend. Title goes to White Flag-Dido, cut to Weightless-All Time Low (Yes, I realise that it's cliché :P)
A/N: At The End :-)


"LEXY IS HERE. I REPEAT: LEXY IS HERE EVERYONE!" Jack yelled at the top of his lungs as he turned away from the front window.
Everyone collectedly let of out a sigh of relief. The Lebanese boy had been fidgety and annoying for the whole of the party thus far just because Alex wasn't there. Now they could finally just relax and enjoy the night.

Jack ran to his front door and slammed it open, the painted wood banging against the wall next to it. "LEX!" He yelled as the blonde walked up the front steps, waving and smiling at the boy shyly from under his hair. The dark haired boy grinned and swept his friend into a massive hug.

The two had only been together a week in person, but still neither was used to having their best friend right there in front of them. When they finally let go of their long embrace, Alex bit his lip and said, "Sorry I'm a half hour late. I just...I wasn't sure about coming. I didn't know if your friends would be okay with me being here, and I mean, I know you said Sam had to go out of town with his parents so I don't have to make an impression on him yet, but you have all these other friends and I've never even been to a party before, let alone a New Years one, so I didn't know what I was supposed to-"

"Xander!" Jack said with an affectionate chuckle, "You're rambling again."
The blonde blushed deep red, "Sor-" Jack just smiled cheekily, "It's alright, Lex. It makes you look sexy. Now come on! Don't worry. Everyone has to love you or they are effectively banned from my household and presence forever more!"
Alex chuckled and followed his best friend into the house full of people.

The dark haired boy was really open in his continued excitement at having the English boy there. He instantly thrust a drink into his hand and brought him around to each and every person to show him off. Each time he'd introduce Alex as some different strange thing to make the blonde blush and deny it, such as "sex fiend" "my best friend ever with the biggest dick in the world!" or "my personal porn star".

Alex soon found that he was enjoying himself at his first party, the people were quite nice and so was the music. The blonde knew that he wouldn't have enjoyed it half as much without Jack though. He unconsciously glued himself to the host's side, yet neither of them noticed because they loved being in each others' presence.


Alex laughed and continued to pick at the red cup in his lap. His eyes watched Jack as he made another joke that got the whole room laughing. He bit his lip and looked at the time again. Ten o'clock. Only two hours until midnight.

The blonde wasn't really sure how the whole kiss-at-midnight thing worked. But he was at a New Years party now and he really wanted a kiss at midnight. From Jack.

He knew that it was silly. He'd really only known the guy for a week. Sure, he'd spoken to him in letters and Jack had seemed like he wanted a friend like Alex then. But what if now, in person, the other boy realised Alex wasn't as great as he thought?

The blonde sighed quietly to himself and tried to put the thought from his mind. He wasn't going to dwell on it. He was just going to enjoy his time with Jack.

He went back to picking at his cup and then looked up finding Jack's eyes on him. The other boy beamed and Alex couldn't help the smile that crept up on his lips as well.


Jack felt his cheeks go warm slightly as he realised he had been caught staring at Alex. The blonde hadn't seemed to notice though, as he smiled contentedly back at him.

The Lebanese boy was watching the clock. He wanted to kiss Alex exactly at midnight. He was gonna. He was sure. He'd been waiting forever to kiss him and he was finally gonna do it!

But as Jack looked back at the blonde standing next to him, he began to have doubts. What if Alex didn't want him to? What if by kissing him Jack ruined whatever they could have and their friendship? Did he really want to risk that? Kind of... He took a sip of his beer and decided to let whatever happen, happen. Either he chickened out or he kissed him.


Ten minutes to midnight. Alex was starting to get really jumpy. He was scared. He didn't want the ten minutes to pass. He was certain that when the clock struck twelve he'd be the one standing in a corner alone while everyone else kissed someone. He could have handled that. He was used to things like that. He just didn't think he'd be able to handle seeing Jack kiss someone else. He practically ran outside to get away from it all.


Five minutes to midnight. Jack was nervous. He couldn't find his best friend anywhere. Even if he wasn't going to be Alex's New Years kiss, he still wanted to be with him as they went into the new year!

He started to ask around but everyone was either too drunk or too wrapped up in their own festivities to care. He huffed frustratedly. Finally, someone said that they'd seen the blonde go out onto the back porch. Jack scrunched his eyebrows and walked out there.

"Lex?" The blonde jumped.

"Uhm. Oh. Hey Jack." He said, sounding a little embarrassed.

"What are you doing out here alone? There's only," he checked the clock that could be seen through the kitchen window, "three minutes to midnight! Don't you want to be in there for a New Years kiss?"

Alex shrugged. "Nah, s'not like I'm getting one anyway. I don't mind. I like it out here anyway. It's calm, quiet."

Jack looked at him. "Lex..."

The blonde looked over. He was mildly surprised. Jack was acting the most serious he thought that he'd ever been around him. "Yeah, Jackhammer?" He said with a slight grin, attempting to ease the tension.

"Can I...?" He said, sounding unsure.

"Can youuu...?" Alex asked.

Then Jack looked at the clock. He was about to say something, but he suddenly started to hear the loud chanting ringing through the house and changed it.


"Alex. I need to tell you something that's been on my mind."


"What, Jack?"


"Uhm...I don't know how to say this..."


"Jack. You can tell me anything."


"Well...I...we've been speaking for a while and...um.."




"I know it's kinda sudden..."


"Jack, I..."


"Alex, I really like you."


In response to those words, the blonde grabbed Jack by the shoulders and kissed him. Their lips lips moved slowly together in the strange quiet bubble that had enveloped them away from the loud crazyness of the party.

They both smiled and kissed long after everyone else had stopped. The two boy's thought that if the rest of the year went the way that it began, it was going to be a very good year.


A/N: Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all have a great year, miles better than the last, you sure all deserve it! Have a sexy New Years kiss too, I know I will! (My dog <3 heehee) I actually don't think this is the best and the previous chapter was better, but thanks for reading, Lovelies! xxx ;)

jack barakat, jack barakat/alex gaskarth, alex gaskarth

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