I Will Go Down With This Ship: Chapter Nine

Dec 10, 2012 18:04

Summary:Everyone in the class will be assigned a pen pal in another country and will have to write letters back and forth to them for at least a month. Whether the student would like to continue writing/communicating with their "pal" is up to them. The purpose of this assignment is to have a broader understanding of different cultures and to show that in a world of technology, a single letter may still have a lot of effect in one's life.
Disclaimer: Yup, I've hidden Sam. We're gonna run away and get married unless someone gives me a good reason not to in all of his brilliant accents.
A/N: At The End :-)


Dear Sexy, I mean Lexy....nahhh, I mean Sexy,

Are you serious about this present? DON'T TEMPT ME BOI. Don't put that out there if it's not true, because I absolutely love presents! OOOO and I can send you one too! Do you think that you'd fit into a spandex Superman body suit? ...Not that that's what I'm going to get you, of course.

Pshh, good riddance. I'm hope that prickfucker is in Texas and is torn apart by the crazy cowboys or something.

Ahh! Really!? I get to see your amazingly sexeriffic self next year!? Oh my fucking god, I am really excited now! At first, my New Year's Resolution was going to be find someone to give me blow jobs whilst driving that doesn't have a gag reflex and is someone by the name of young Leonardo DeCaprio...but I think I'm gonna change it to 'Skype my sexy best friend as many times as I can'. That sounds more inviting.

I have no idea what I'm getting for Christmas! I'd love a new guitar, but apparently your mom coming home to find that you've stuck your foot through the television isn't “responsible enough for something so prestigious”. Okay, one: a guitar is not prestigious, and frankly, I'm offended that she'd say that. And two: I had to stick my foot through the TV. Fucking Darren died after he found out the Elizabeth was sleeping with someone else! ….I mean, uhm...the quarterback for my favourite football team missed a goal...I mean touchdown...I WASN'T WATCHING A SOAP OPERA OKAY?

OH! I hung out with Sam and we've actually been hanging out a lot. Remember him? I told you about him in my last letter! He's not a paedophile and he doesn't want my dick! Well, obviously he wants my dick, because who doesn't!? But, it's okay, I told him I was taken. He's really pretty cool though, Lexy. You'd probably like him! He's really good at guitar and I don't even know what he's saying half the time because all I do is pay attention to his accent, not his words! He always tells me to “fook oaf ya radge cunt!” when I don't pay attention, but it's alright because his accent is just that great!

Annnyyywaayy, I think that your picture is amazingly boner-iffic and I don't know why you said that you look awful, I mean, I would definitely fuck the shit out of you! I'll send you a picture back, and I hope you absolutely love it, and maybe, if you're in the mood, Jack off to it every once in a while? Okay...too far...sorry...but still.

Soo, there you go! I can't wait for your present! I've almost already got yours planned out! Write back soon!

With all of the love in my heart and mah dick,

Jack"MakesAllDaBoisSay"Oh ;)


A/N: Here ya go! Another chapter! Hope you all enjoy it. Thanks for reading lovelies :-)

Oh, and the bit where Jack says that he'd "fuck the shit out of Alex" was totally msterrys. I creeped the comments and laughed so, it went in! Hope you don't mind :)

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

jack barakat, jack barakat/alex gaskarth, alex gaskarth

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