I Will Go Down With This Ship: Chapter Five

Nov 17, 2012 09:29

Summary: Everyone in the class will be assigned a pen pal in another country and will have to write letters back and forth to them for at least a month. Whether the student would like to continue writing/communicating with their "pal" is up to them. The purpose of this assignment is to have a broader understanding of different cultures and to show that in a world of technology, a single letter may still have a lot of effect in one's life.
Disclaimer: I can't one anyone even if I wanted to, Callum let them all escape. I'm not speaking to him. He did manage to keep a hold of Sam McTrusty though, so maybe I'll forgive him ;) Title goes to White Flag-Dido, Cut to You Had Me @ Hello-A Day To Remember (One of my personal favourites)
A/N: At The End


Dear Alex,

Yes! You're so awesome! You've literally just made it to "my favourite person in the world" status by calling me a nickname! See, I've tried to get people around me to call me something cool but they all just say that it "won't stick" and I'm an "idiot for trying" and "why the fuck are you even talking to me? Go stick a dick up your ass an shut the fuck up." Well, you've prove them all wrong! Because look! You're calling me a nickname! Excuse me while I go do a celebratory dance!

Okay, I'm done dancing for a while. I may have just broken one of my mom's favourite lamps and she may have just grounded me for a week. Bitch. But anyway, I'm going to have to give you a nickname now! How about Lex? Lexy? Sexy Lexy? Xander? Maybe I'll keep thinking. Although you did say that your dick was big, so maybe I can call you Big Dick Attractive Awesome Man? Hmm.

Hairspray is amazing. I don't do that, actually. But I don't know why! OH MY GOD I'M DEFINITELY GOING TO START DOING THAT! Thanks for the idea! Oh yeah, I forgot about the whole "walrus on helium" thing. Maybe I shouldn't do it. You're a singer though, right?! You should! Or you could make a recording and then send it to me and I could set it as my alarm and then every morning I could play it and lip sync to your voice and pretend that I sing good! That would be awesome!

Bro. You gotta stop getting detentions. Or not, I guess I can't really say, considering I've probably had more detentions than anyone ever. Don't get worried until you get near my record, that would be bad. I mean, I'm the detention king. Bow down motha fucka!

What? You aren't already in a band?! WHAT IS THIS?! But, you can do everything! Like I said, people are dicks (the bad kind) and clearly something is wrong where you live is no one acknowledges your existence! I mean, I've only had two letters from you and I already like you more than the dumbfucks around here! It's official. We are starting a band. I don't care if it'll be awkward and I don't really know how it would work out. It's happening. I've even got a few band names! We could be The Fat Tortoises! Or, The Big Dicks! Or maybe, Alex And The Sex Kitten, Sex Turkey And The Vile Lingo, Rancid Monkeys? Eh, we can work out the details later.

Oooo, a scribbly bit! Let's see what you've tried to hide!

Shit. Alex, that's actually really cool. I mean, nobody really thinks that highly of me over here. My letters are shit and you looks forward to them? Thanks. And about you being single, that's bullshit. Anyone would be lucky to have you! From what I can tell, (and I am the best at reading people) you are an amazing person. Anyone who doesn't see that is fucking mental.

(Okay, so I probably read too far into that one single paragraph, but I don't want you to feel bad about yourself. At. All. I mean, yeah, I kinda barely know you, but I feel slightly attached to you. Maybe it's because I've never actually taken the time to sit down and write letters to anyone, because who the fuck does that? But yeah. Don't be sad. You're great.)

Yeah, so you said to ignore that? Oops. I didn't. NO ONE TELLS JACKY B WHAT TO DO! NO OONNNEEEE!!! Ehem. Sorry. Got a little bit out of hand there. I'm a rebel, totally hardcore, what can I say?

No, of course you aren't a soppy mess! I mean, as long as you don't cry over chick flicks (which I totally do not do...) then you're cool in my book!

School? I don't know. Other people go to their classes, participate, get good grades, listen. I just fuck around at the back of the class and draw in my notebook. I'm not not really gonna need this stuff anyway, right? I'm just gonna be a rockstar. I'll be getting aaaaaall da bitches! Well, no. I won't. I'll be getting all the bastards, but that doesn't really have to same ring to it, you know?

I'm pretty sure I've said all that I need to say, well, I've probably said more than I needed but deal with it because, I'm Jack! No, but seriously. Write back quicklyyyyyyyyy!

From, Your Bestest Best Friend In The Whole Wide World, Jackary Bassam Barakat (I wanted to sound posh too. I don't think it worked though because your name is like fucking royalty. Oh. And Jackary isn't my real name, it's just Jack.)

P.S. Because I totally want to "continue getting in touch with you" we should text or Skype or email or something. I mean, like...if you want to. It's completely cool if you want to keep writing letters only. Or maybe even stop writing letters because we don't actually HAVE to. But uh...yeah. This is getting awkward now, so here's my stuff, just in case. Again, you don't have to...it's just in case.

Phone: 1-603-283-3573
Twitter: @IFuckedYourMom
Skype: Same as the Twitter, aren't I the greatest?
Email: AppleJACK@yahoo.com


A/N: Right, so sorry this took forever for me to update, but my stupid internet at my mom's house is literally the slowest thing in the world sometimes :( Please don't hate meeee!
Thanks for reading :)

jack barakat, jack barakat/alex gaskarth, alex gaskarth

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