Contest #64

Jun 11, 2007 10:56

This weeks theme is; Specific textures.

Okay, that sounds a little stupid, but I wasn't sure exactly how to put it.
Basically, I've gone through and found a group of textures that you all must use in your icons.

Said textures can be found here. They were made by the lovely _blurplinkle_ on her graphics journal impartiality.

So, you all may use whatever picture, band, etc. that you like - as long as one of those 16 textures is used and visible. You may also use more than one texture in your icon.


(There would be more, but I kinda ran out of time. Hopefully everyone gets the picture.)

Good luck everybody.

- Comment with your entry to this post only. The comment will be screen'd as well.
- Please put what band the person(s) is in.
- You may submit up to three icons for this challenge.
- Animation is not allowed.
- Blending of outside images is not allowed.
- Your submissions must fit LJ's icon standard: 100x100 or smaller, 40kb or smaller, gif/jpg/png formats only.
- Your entry must be original. You are not allowed to use an icon that you've made previous to the challenge.
- Please keep your entries anonymous until the winners have been announced.
- Brushes, borders, effects, etc. are allowed for your icons.
- When responding with your submission, please include the img src and url versions.
- You must be a member of the community to participate in the challenge.
- If you want a banner, please say so with your entry.
- Leave a comment if you have any questions.

Contest ends Saturday, June 18th at 8:30 AM. [EST]
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