#21 - 6 Teen Wolf graphics + 25 icons

Oct 29, 2012 00:55

Two posts in less than a week, I don't think I know what to do with myself!

However, this post is kind of a last-second, "oh shit" moment because this entry is due in HA! 7 hours. So it's now or never! It's a miracle I made it through university as long as I did, I swear.

Anyway. The challenge was to create a picspam for a Top 5 moment based on Teen Wolf. When I thought about it (because right up to when I started this I wasn't 100% sure what I was even DOING) I figured I could do a Top 5 Lydia Martin bitch faces. But then looking through the season 2 caps made me realize there were a lot of sadface!Lydia moments during that time so I thought maybe just top 5 Lydia looks but THEN I thought maybe I'd do the top 5 Triskelion moments but that just got me sidetracked so then I wanted to do top 5 beautiful moments, like, cinematic-wise? But it turned into more of a top 5 moments that stood out to me because they were pretty or there was something simple that I fixated on that made the scene stand out to me.

Like Victoria Argent's eyes in the last one, or the caps of Allison walking through the woods in the second (which is actually the graphic I had the worst trouble with) or the way the flashes of Lydia bloodied and thrashing in the hospital bed were so vibrant. Things like that. So that's my top 5, long story short.

Then I just used the graphics to make some icons of the two I loved the most.

The end.

* Credit is appreciated
* Nominations are welcomed
* Hotlinking is majorly frowned on
* As is claiming the icons for yourself, using the blanks as bases or re-posting to Fanpop, etc.
* Comments are AWESOME!
* Previously

5 x beacon_hills challenge 22 entries + 1 alt
25 x icons made from above challenge entries








01 02 03 04 05

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21 22 23 24 25

type: tumblr, tv: teen wolf, !marishna

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