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Comments 2

borgmama1of5 August 29 2013, 04:34:36 UTC
I was interested in trying out being a reccer when I saw a post to sign up for September. But when I looked at the instructions and lovely graphs I'm afraid my brain locked up. I'm really lousy at figuring out what I'm supposed to do from written instructions--I work very well if someone gives me the specific steps in concrete instructions--things like 'fill in this template...use these tags...'

If anyone has the time and inclination to guide me through the signing up process, I would be honored to be a reccer.

I have some gen recs in mind, either to post as separate recs or that I could tie together to make a theme if I'm allowed to choose my own theme like 'Dean after Sam leaves for Stanford' or 'AU ways the Winchester story could have happened.'


scarletscarlet August 29 2013, 08:07:36 UTC

Firstly, from the sounds of what you're keen to rec, the relevant September categories might all be gone. I think that would fit best into Themed, or Gen - we could sign you up for the Themed category in October, if you like? You can absolutely choose your own theme, and those both sound really neat :)

To sign up all official-like for that category, go here:


and leave a comment saying that you'd like to sign up for October. Ideally with a theme, but you can just let us know that closer to the time if you're still deciding :).

For help with actual posting, if you like, you can absolutely PM me on this account and I'll walk you through it. In short, it's:

Step 1: Check the spreadsheet to see if it's been recced before (ctrl f to search)

Step 2: Go here and copy the posting template for the kind of thing you're posting (ie fic, art, etc ( ... )


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