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Comments 6

geckoholic July 6 2013, 09:19:30 UTC
YES. SECONDED. This fic is one of my faves, so happy to see someone reccing it!


kassidy62 July 6 2013, 14:40:09 UTC
couldn't believe it was her first fic in the fandom!


staythenight July 6 2013, 19:32:34 UTC
What a wonderful rec, I've never come across if before!


kassidy62 July 6 2013, 21:15:23 UTC
Music to my ears! I was commenting to amber1960 how much I enjoyed sharing recs, and I love when someone enjoys what I've already read and want to rave about:)


amberdreams July 6 2013, 20:19:25 UTC
Thanks for reccing this, I'd never come across this author before and will certainly be checking out her other fics now ! This was so angsty good.


kassidy62 July 6 2013, 21:13:19 UTC
You know, I LOVE sharing fiction recommendations and marveling over all the excellent authors we have in the fandom. I have a serious OTP thing going on with Sam and Dean ... there's so many different stories and styles to talk about, I hardly know how to limit my recs! Maybe I'll sign up again sometime and rec more.

Anyway, so glad to hear you enjoyed this as much as I did.


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