Open reccing month in June!

May 25, 2013 00:54

June is another month of open reccing at rocksalt_recs. This means that from June 1 until June 30, anyone can rec spontaneously without signing up for our usual categories. Whether they’re new works or long time favourites, fandom classics or hidden gems - if you like them, why not share the love? Any genre, ship, and fanwork type is welcome! Our only ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

scarletscarlet May 24 2013, 22:22:40 UTC
Hurrah for open reccing! Welcome and ♥ in advance to anyone who gives it a go for the first time (and also to anyone returning, ♥ to all). I was super nervous the first time I recced here, but it was all fine, so come on in, the water's lovely and has no vengeful spirits or lurking taniwhas of any kind :D


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evitably May 25 2013, 01:13:58 UTC
I don't see what's stopping you! ;)


scarletscarlet May 25 2013, 04:55:15 UTC
Thank you kindly! :D


snickfic May 25 2013, 02:28:47 UTC
Wow, I am completely spoiled for choice with all those banners. Do I want officers of the law, or Kevin and Amelia, or scary baddies of S8, or...?

Very nice, Scarlet! <3


scarletscarlet May 25 2013, 04:54:34 UTC
<3 <3 <3 :D


salty_catfish May 25 2013, 10:29:40 UTC
BEST BANNERS! And the captions, help! <3<3 The first RPF one gives me flashbacks to when I listened to that endless football J2 AU podfic that also had coach!Jeff and I just shipped him so hard with Jensen :Í


scarletscarlet May 27 2013, 06:41:18 UTC
♥ :D!

I don't listen to podfic, but I think I might've read it, is that the one where Jensen's the quarterback and Jared's new and Jensen ends up coaching a few years down the track, and it's a long, slow build? Might be called Next Man Up, something like that?

I might have to read that one again sometimes soon.


salty_catfish May 27 2013, 13:48:39 UTC
Yeah, that! It is pretty famous and in parts ~hotly debated, I think.


whithertits May 25 2013, 16:38:29 UTC
Could I recommend two fics in one go? They're part of the same theme/trope, and I'd love to be able to rec them together.


evitably May 25 2013, 16:51:48 UTC
Please create two separate posts (unless they're part of the same 'verse and by the same creator). You can submit one right after the other and we'd post them together, use a specific tag for the theme/trope, and/or also add some sort of discussion or commentary to the posts themselves. :)


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