[FIC] authoressnebula: Upright Together

Oct 13, 2012 12:00

Title: Upright Together
Writer: authoressnebula
Status of work: Complete
Characters and/or pairings: Sam, Dean
Rating: PG-13
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]None
Length: 2,452
Summary: Post 5x05, Fallen Idols: Everything seems to be falling back into a good place, and Sam can finally breathe easy again. Well, he could, if his back wasn't killing him.

Reccer's notes: I really adore this short little episode coda so much because I think it adds a lot to the original episode we didn’t necessarily receive. We were on the cusp of having our protective, big brother!Dean back and I think she does a wonderful job with portraying that here. Even if maybe all is not forgiven or forgotten they are honest to god trying, which breaks your heart and makes you smile at the same time.

[Short excerpt]It wound up a being a beautiful day. For once, there weren't any clouds in the sky, no storms on the horizon. Not even a gray day to mar the color. No, it was a light blue and a little bit of a breeze and sun and open road. It was one of autumn's best days, the kind you wanted to keep forever.

And Sam was miserable.

c: sam winchester, t: s5, fic: 1-5k, c: dean winchester, t: episode coda, *gen, ^fic

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