[fic] kalliel: Unentitled

Oct 19, 2013 19:41

[ themed: What if?--gen ]
Title: Unentitled
Writer: kalliel
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Dean, OFC, Sam
Rating: PG-13
Warnings, kinks & contents: Season 1 alternative timeline, [Click to read]retrograde amnesia, mobility issues/bum leg, prescription drug addiction
Length: 5000
Summary: After a life-altering altercation with a bear trap, Dean finds an unlikely friend in Sachiko Tanimura, a crochety macadamia nut farmer who doesn’t give a damn how much pain he’s in-she’s weaning him off that oxycodone.

Reccer's notes: This story blew my mind as much for the way it is constructed as its intense writing! We have Dean-except he’s not completely the Dean we know. We have a situation that, while it didn’t happen, it is certainly within the realm of possibilities that it could have. We have an OFC giving Dean the tough love it’s easy to see him responding to. We have Sam who doesn’t understand what happened.

And they are put together in a way that made me go, “What?! How…Noooo!!!” and immediately reread the story to catch all the clues.

[Short excerpt]”This isn’t funny, Dean.” No, it’s not, Dean decides. He’s still thinking about fire. “Dean, what the hell is going on?” He wishes he knew.

c: sam winchester, fic: 5-15k, t: amnesia/memory loss, t: au: canon divergence, *themed, c: dean winchester, ^fic

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