[Art] annartism: Summer at Bobby’s

Jul 29, 2012 11:05

[ THEMED: pre-series ]
Title: Summer at Bobby’s
Artist: annartism
Characters and/or pairings: Dean, Sam
Rating: G
Medium: coloured pencils & watercolour (and a little bit of photoshop)
Short description: Wee!Chesters hanging out in Bobby’s junkyard.

Reccer's notes: annartism is one of my very favourite new-ish artists in this fandom. Her style is so crisp and lovely, and the mediums she often uses also happen to be some of my faves. This particular piece is a very believable depiction of how Sam and Dean might have spent some of their free time as kids, and is sweet - and a bit sad at the same time, I think.

c: sam winchester, ^art, *themed, t: pre-series, c: dean winchester, art: traditional

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