[Fic] alwaysenduphere: The Seeker and the Sought

Mar 25, 2013 23:18

[ Rarepair FPF ]

Title: The seeker and the sought
Writer: alwaysenduphere
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Dean/Oberon, Dean/Alastair
Rating: NC-17
Warnings, kinks & contents:[Click to read]torture, dub-con, bloodplay, asphyxiation, manhandling, exhibitionism…
Length: 2,000 words
Summary: It's his hands that first get you, long and lithe like Alastair's were. He speaks softly and calmly, demanding but without malice. He's soft edges and strong muscle, where Alastair was sharp bones and whip-thin.

Reccer's notes: I don't know what it is that makes second person POV work so well with demons, but it does. (Possibly it's the lack of distance. There is no escape from the horror.) This fic takes place during season 6, when Dean gets kidnapped by fairies. It's heavy on the flashbacks; Dean's hell trauma rearing its ugly head in a familiar situation: being at the mercy of a supernatural creature.

t: hell, c: alastair, p: alastair/dean, t: horror, c: dean winchester, *rarepair fpf, ^fic, p: dean/oberon, t: dub/non-con, fic: 1-5k

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