[Fic] casspeach: A Foreign Country

Mar 22, 2013 23:07

[ Invited Reccer: Het ]
Title: A Foreign Country
Writer: casspeach
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Dean/OFC, Sam
Rating: R
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]memory loss, AU from 2x01, kids
Length: about 30k words
Summary: Dean finds himself alone and badly injured on the side of a mountain in Colorado with no memory of who he is or what he’s doing there. This is the story of the life he makes for himself when he has no knowledge of hunting or the dangers lurking in the dark (or, gasp, Sam!!). When something threatens his new family he’s forced to fall back on lessons he can’t remember being taught, and skills he can’t remember acquiring to protect them.

Reccer's notes: This is an oldie but a goodie, that warm rush of nostalgia that old fics from this fandom always offer. It's fascinating to watch Dean react to being cut off from his memories and anything that might jog them, how he starts anew but still has the awareness of something more and how what little he can grasp at fits into his new life. There's a nice mix of fluffy family time and the pulse-pounding edge-of-your-seat tension of a hunt with so much on the line, and the ending is simply wonderful.

p: dean/ofc, *het, c: dean winchester, ^fic, c: sam winchester, t: amnesia/memory loss, t: kids, fic: 15-50k, c: original character, *invited reccer

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