[Fic] road_rhythm: Massé Shot

Mar 14, 2013 16:31

[ Gen ]
Title: Massé Shot
Writer: road_rhythm
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Sam, Dean, OCs, Bobby
Rating: PG-13
Warnings, kinks & contents:  [Click to read]violence with sexual overtones
Length: 11, 500
Summary: In a little bar in Nowhere, New Mexico, Dean Winchester makes a miscalculation. Sam has to survive it. Neither of them knows yet what they've lost.

Reccer's notes: This is h/c that sees Sam and Dean as agents as well as victims in the violence that permeates their world. The characterization is at once harsh and sympathetic. Sam and Dean's fierce devotion to one another doesn't confer understanding, and Sam in particular struggles not only with the fears of his destiny that haunted him in s2 but with the human darkness that is part of himself and of the life that shaped him. This isn't comfort reading, but it's very, very good.

t: hurt/comfort, c: dean winchester, t: s2, *gen, ^fic, c: sam winchester, c: bobby singer, c: original character

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