[Fic] nomelon and dreamlittleyo : Vaccinium Cyanococcus

Mar 06, 2013 16:42

[ Sam/Dean ]

Title: Vaccinium Cyanococcus
Writer:nomelon and dreamlittleyo
Alternate links: http://archiveofourown.org/works/180205
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings:Sam / Dean
Warnings, kinks & contents: over-the-top emo crack, drinking on a school night, and excessive consumption of blueberry pie.
Length: 10,141
Summary: Wherein matters of pie theft are taken very seriously indeed, but brotherly love wins out.
Summary the 2nd: Sam made Dean pie. But Dean didn't get to eat it, and now Sam feels just awful (and full of pie). Obviously sex is the next logical step

Reccer's notes: Very funny and clever tale of drunken Sam and Dean from Deans POV.

[Short excerpt]The more Sam had to drink, the more handsy he became. Slapping Dean's back with enough force to nearly knock Dean over every time he barked like a seal at one of his own lame jokes. Banging those huge palms off the bar to punctuate every sentence. Knocking their bowl of peanuts flying on more than one occasion. Nudging his elbow into Dean's ribs or shoulder-checking him at every opportunity, usually just when Dean was about to take a sip of his beer.

It only got worse when he started rambling on about-- Jesus Christ, was Sam really trying to explain the Dewey Decimal System? Was this really his idea of interesting conversation? How had Sam ever gotten laid? How were they even related?

fic: 5-15k, *sam/dean, ^fic

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