[Fic] oscared3: You Can Sleep

Mar 05, 2013 11:12

[ Gen ]
Title: You Can Sleep
Writer: oscared3
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Sam, Dean
Rating: G
Warnings, kinks & contents:  [Click to read]none
Length: c1675 words
Summary: Prompt: Sam gets cursed and cannot sleep, then to make matters worse he catches the flu while still not sleeping. Dean worries and takes care of him.

Reccer's notes: Sleep deprivation is one of my favorite h/c tropes, and the disjoined second person narrative here conveys it perfectly. It's a typical Spn take on h/c: there's nothing to be done, and the particular hurt is only one in the succession of things that happen to both Sam and Dean, but their presence for each other gives them a bleak, essential lifeline.

c: sam winchester, t: hurt/comfort, c: dean winchester, *gen, ^fic

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