[Fic] likeanything: Food Porn

Jan 31, 2013 11:52

[ J2 ]
Title: Food Porn
Writer: likeanything
Status of work: Complete + timestamp
Characters and/or pairings: Jensen/Jared
Rating: R
Warnings, kinks & contents: [Click to read]Kid!fic, present tense, and bad language like whoa. No, seriously. "Fuck" and its derivatives are used 180 times in those 50K words. Also, there is some explicit het.
Length: 50k
Summary: Jensen’s a neurotic sous chef and his roommate Jared’s a disgruntled chef turned blogger turned author who’s just trying to finish his book. Mostly they call each other names, and then they fall in love. And then they call each other names some more.

Reccer's notes: What I like about this fic is Jensen and Jared's relationship as roommates. It's like they don't like each other but they do at the same time. I like the complicity and the obliviousness there is behind the insults and name callings (they do curse a lot, it's hilarious to me). I also like Ross when he's around and Jensen's relationship with him. I read this completely yesterday, and I enjoyed the story. There is no explicit sex but in my opinion it isn't necessary to make the story interesting.

c: jensen ackles, fic: 50-100k, c: jared padalecki, *jared/jensen, ^fic

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