[fic] obstinatrix: The World That We'll Invent

Jan 30, 2013 17:53

[ Dean/Castiel ]
Title: The World That We'll Invent
Writer: obstinatrix
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Dean/Castiel
Rating: NC-17
Warnings, kinks & contents:  [Click to read]none
Length: 3679 words
Summary: Castiel wants to explain to Dean how he came to be here, after the lake, but Dean doesn't seem to want to talk. Still, this is a new world for Castiel now -- he can find another way to live in it.

Reccer's notes: Hot-as-burning PWP, but at the same time so much more than that, the sex used to paint a picture of the character. And that? My favorite kind of porn.

[Short excerpt]Dean is gentle with his girls, even with the boys he fucks in dark sidestreets and in the back seat of his car; he was gentle with Castiel, when all they shared was sex. Now, Dean is rough, restless and frantic, his mouth on Castiel's more teeth and fucks of tongue than the slow, wet slides Castiel remembers from before. This is the way Dean fucks when he isn't just fucking, when everything inside him is churned up and aching beyond what he can take. This is the way he fucked when Lisa first took him in, his life's work gone to hell with the devil and his only friend recalled to heaven, just as out of reach -- or so he thought. He wasn't to know that Castiel couldn't stay away, that he hadn't learned how to let Dean alone. Castiel came, and he watched, and he learned the way Dean fucked when he gave a damn.

c: castiel, t: s7, fic: 1-5k, c: dean winchester, *dean/castiel, ^fic

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