[Fic] obsidianromance: Blood Borne

Jan 27, 2013 11:41

[ J2 ]
Title: Blood Borne
Writer: obsidianromance
Status of work: Complete + a sequel.
Characters and/or pairings: Jared/Jensen
Rating: Hard R
Warnings, kinks & contents:[Click to read]HORROR, zombies, gore, graphic birth, cursing, blink and you'll miss male lactation, mpreg!Jensen (and he's not happy about it)
Length: 8,375
Summary: Four years after the zombie epidemic takes over most of the planet, Jared and Jensen are able to make a life for themselves. Until they fuck up and Jensen gets pregnant.

Reccer's notes: I love the contract of the zombie apocalyptic world where everything is decay and death and a couple bringing life to this kind of world. I also love how she keeps it real and human with their feelings about this (like really, who would want to have a kid during the apocalypse?). The descriptions makes you feel as if you are right there living it with them. And even if you don't like graphic birth, the birthing scene is more than worth reading. It's a different and awesome mpreg story you should all read if this kink tickles you fancy :D

c: jensen ackles, fic: 5-15k, t: horror, t: hurt/comfort, c: jared padalecki, *jared/jensen, ^fic

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