[fic] scintilla10: Lately I've Been Dreaming

Jan 14, 2013 15:38

[ Minor Characters ]
Title: Lately I've Been Dreaming
Writer: scintilla10 |
Alternate links: AO3 | DW
Status of work: complete
Characters and/or pairings: Adrianne/Genevieve
Rating: G
Warnings, kinks & contents: -
Length: ~3300
Summary: Summer camp AU. Genevieve has a crush on fellow counsellor Adrianne. Adrianne needs a fake girlfriend for a night. Shenanigans!

Reccer's notes: This is a lovely read, full of the warm and easy feeling of summer, and sure to make you smile.

[Short excerpt]"Julia, right?" she says, and smiles reassuringly. "I'm going to the dance with Adrianne, yes. As her date."

"She told me you were her girlfriend," Julia says.

Genevieve thinks her own face might be a bit pink. "Um, we haven't actually said that to each other."

"Oh," Julia mutters. "Sorry."

Looking down at Julia's miserable expression, Genevieve's heart aches a little, and she knows exactly why Adrianne was willing to go out on a limb to help her. "Do you want to talk about anything?" she says gently.

Julia shakes her head. Then she says, "What if I don't want to ask any girls to dance?"

p: adrianne/genevieve, c: adrianne palicki, t: femmeslash, *minor character, c: genevieve cortese, ^fic

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