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Comments 8

bunnysworld November 13 2014, 12:36:09 UTC

i still think the rubber gloves need to make an appearance in a fic!


rocknvaughn November 13 2014, 14:30:06 UTC
So excited to see that that photo from months ago really was his "Tom" look! Love the curly hair! Colin being all bad arse and speaking in his natural accent?

I'mma need the stick STAT!


bunnysworld November 13 2014, 14:35:16 UTC

i had a hard time breathing when the pic showed up on my fb feed...


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issy5209 November 13 2014, 20:10:26 UTC
would you like him to give you CPR???

*fans self* he's bloody hot!


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rocknvaughn November 13 2014, 20:54:25 UTC
I thought it is only three episodes? Isn't that what Allen Cubitt said? Did he say something different in today's interview or something?


wanderlust48 November 13 2014, 15:41:32 UTC
Omg omg omg !!
Look at his fluffy haaaair!!
And his intense eyes!



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