Aug 01, 2011 00:34

Annnnnd it's time for challenge 3!

As promised (at least to those who helped me out by answering polls in the planning stages of the comm), it's time for dead language week! You'll be working in Gaulish this week.

This challenge will be a little different, in that you will be working with a dead language. Because a single word in this language can make up part of a sentence, you will be using at least one line from the Gaulish lyrics instead of using three consecutive words. Other than that, go wild!

You can gain bonus points by using the following extra criteria, for a total of up to 2 extra points.
  • feature a subject wearing armor or a military uniform in your icon.
  • use the English translation of the Gaulish line you've chosen to use in your icon as well (You must have both English and Gaulish text)
slanias song eluveitie
Catoues caletoi
Urit namantas anrimius
Ro- te isarnilin -urextont,
Au glannabi rhenus
Ad ardus alpon,
Tou‘ magisa matua
Tou‘ brigas iuerilonas

Budinas bardon
Clouos canenti
Anuanon anmaruon,
Cauaron colliton,
Adio- biuotutas -robirtont
Uolin cridili
Are rilotuten atrilas

A ulati, mon atron,
A brogi‘m cumbrogon!
Exs tou‘ uradiu uorrobirt
Cenetlon clouision
Cauaron caleton

A blatu blande bitos biuon!
A ‚m‘ atrila, a ‚ma helvetia!

Tou‘ mnas et genetas,
Tigernias, tecas,
Tou‘ uiroi uertamoi
In sose cantle cingeton
In- gutoues -beronti.
Cante cladibu in lame
Exsrextos canumi:

A ulati, mon atron,
A brogi‘m cumbrogon!
Exs tou‘ uradiu uorrobirt
Cenetlon clouision
Cauaron caleton

A blatu blande bitos biuon!
A ‚m‘ atrila, a ‚ma helvetia!
English translation
Grim battles
Against countless foes
Have steeled you
From the shores of the Rhine
To the top of the Alps,
Your fair meadow
Your rank heathlands

The choirs of bards
Sing the glory
Of the undying names
Of fallen heroes,
That gave their lives,
Their blood
For the freedom of their fatherland.

Oh Sovereignty of my fathers
Oh land of my countrymen!
From your root sprang
A glorious nation
Of dure heroes.

Oh dulcet blossom of the living world!
Oh my fatherland, oh my Helvetia!

Your woman and maids
Noble and fair,
Your highest men
To this bravesong
They join in
The sword in my hand
Stand up and sing:

Oh Sovereignty of my fathers
Oh land of my countrymen!
From your root sprang
A glorious nation
Of dure heroes.

Oh dulcet blossom of the living world!
Oh my fatherland, oh my Helvetia!
give it a listen
death metal warning. there are beautiful clear female vocals as well though.
Your icon:
♫ must contain at least one line from the provided Gaulish lyrics.
♫ must us an image from an anime, manga or video game.
♫ must follow livejournal's icon standards: no larger than 100x100px, 40kb or smaller in size and be of .png, .jpg or .gif format.
♫ must not be shared outside of the community until the round is over.
♫ should be submitted like this:

the character you signed up as
the character and series that your icon is from
a link to the original image used in your icon
which (if any) bonus requirements you fulfilled.

identity id here
character/series char/series here
original image image url here
bonus requirement(s)? bonus reqs used here (optional)

You may skip at any point during the competition, but if you skip for twice in a row I will consider you as having dropped out.

Icons are due to this screened post by Saturday, August 6th at 11:00 PM PST.

!challenge, round 01, challenge 03

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