Title: Redesign Author: Brittany Fandom: Transformers (2007) Rating: PG Words: 1700 Summary: [one shot] Sam has a lot of new things to get used to, and two things in particular.
Because he’s lame. pretty much sums up why I liked the movie so much (I never got into original Transformers D:) Sam is very lame, he's entirely too lame to have robot/car friends, and yet he does. And it works without coming across as pretentious and wanky.
You did such a great job of capturing what a complete dork Sam really is, and exactly how Mikaela and Bee would react to him. And the question was so out-of-the-blue and yet so perfectly in character that it was fun to read. I'm very glad you put this up for us to read!
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THANK YOU. Still seems kind of pointless to me, but I guess embarrassing Sam is a just cause.
Cuteness abounds!!
That was fun
And you captured that extremely well. :DD
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