The Jia legacy

Feb 12, 2012 01:13

Yep, another one. But this time it's Difference in the family tree one (but apart from the special sim requirement, because I'm a rebbull!).

Let's meet our purple founder. His name is Morris Jia (). 家 means family/home in chinese.

And here he is in all his one-eyed glory.

I didn't use the biggest lot because they're annoying to play so he starts of with a good garden and a decent house.

The stats. I forgot to take a picture of his turn ons and offs but they are: +Unemplyed, +Good at cleaning, -Hard worker.

I love those extracted trees from castaway.

Hello there, pretty kitty!

Wow, eaxis. Really? That's just shitty of you.

Do I want to adopt a simkitty? What kind of a dumb question is that. OF COURSE! :D

Sure, I'll go out with you, random person I've never met called Marion by dothesmustle

No better way to introduce yourself to a cute guy than throw a water balloon at him. The unfortunate victim is Matthew by siouxpergirl and the spectators are Marion, Xya by hoodiedoodiex and Coleen by keoni_chan.

Morris also met Elm dutchxfan,

...Jason chitown_gal...

and last but not least Harley teffielynne.

Secondary aspiration. Totally not clashing or anything.

Morris invited Harley over.

Oh, really? You're looking at possibly future plantsim!

I havea hunting suspiction that Harley is a grilld cheese sim.

Xerxeswhysimswhy, what are you doing?

We're already up to silver badge!



I think you can see where this is all going.

Morris finally blackmailed Harley into moving in.

One thing is for sure, their offspirngs will be cripplingly shy.


About time!

"Oh no. Not rain to water my plants. Again."

Of course Morris said yes.

I think I toom this picture to show that games were Harley's OTH. Failediting at it's height.

Um, yes. Completely out-of-the-blue marriege is completely out-of-the-blue.

What better way to get everyone to know everyone than some mass baloon (or snowball) fighting. Beginning on the left to Harley is Penny wooden_badger, Morris, Zaren courtney_shea, Gaul boolpropbea, Ponder pixelcurious, Matthew and Aspasam huning. And I have no idea who that sim behind Aspasam is.

Oh, thank you, Aspasam.

I think I heard jingles!

Hellz yeah! More money.

I made them start a buisness with the stuff they dug up. It didn't last though.
The lady pondering something on the wall is Grace by callaina.

Babby impending!

Harley finally got a makeover.



I love this animation. And they had a boy with Morris's skin and hair and Harley's eyes. I named him Jonah after newspaper spiderman's Jonah Jamesson. That is  my name theme for this family, each generation gets a name from a comic that's feutured on this site. And as to why he's not named after Peter Parker is because I originally intended to name the kids after characters that fitted their generation's description. Jonah is gen. 2 and thus all about work (we never see Jonah anywhere but at work and thinking of work). That way is more trouble than it's worth and really, who would Jonah's sister be named after? God forbid if he had 2.

The "new product" was a little sister computer. I think someone needs to tell Grace that the little sister has been around since the basegame.

They got a new kitty, named P. Diddy (the game named this stray Diddy! The temptation was to much!)

O.O Guy, chill a little. You're at a baby's birthday party.
Aspasam is chatting up Katrina by iliketoplaygod.

Eeek! Jonah is precious!

Yeah, I think the kittens will not be happening D:

No kittens at all.

Jonah grew up again and he just keeps on getting cuter <3



"Those chips are excellent, with the perfect balance of pepper and salt. Exquisite.

And it's a girl! Mary Jane. Same colourings as Jonah but black hair.

"Look at my pretty block castle!"

Don't break your spin, Morris! And hello, penguin.

Something went wrong and Mary Jane refused to grow up and then glued herself to her dad's belly.
As a result, the party was a disaster.

O.o how is that even possible? Bye, bye P. Diddy and Dakota.

Mary Jane decided to finally stop being a brat and aged up. She's very cute :3

And mischievous :O

When I was decorating, (like 15 simdays ago from that picture) I was deciding which tv to use. I apperantly dumped it down there and then forgot about it.

Sibling love <3

Thankfully, no jingles were heard.

We finally got that garden club dude to show up and rate the garden. And it was awesome enough to get us a wishing well.

Being a farmer's son, he should know his plants.

Meltilicious skilling.

Harley and Morris were invited on an outing and I had them all go to their place because there were so many teens in the group and Jonah will be growing up soon. The witch is Keoni by keoni_chan and the alien sim is Algar by astro_cake.

I've never been able to have an outing that's better than fun!

No issues with Mary Jane this time.

Aw, she's very cute too.

Bisexual. Fitting. And I love how he's turned on by both stink and cologne.

You guys never made out before?

On a trip to get new clothes and look for babes, Jonah meets Jean by dark_moon689 and they hit it off.

-grow every kind of fruit and vegetable (trees & plants)
-get married and have kids. No premarital woohoo
-have a boy & a girl. Keep trying until you do (plantbabies from plantsims can count)
-earn gold gardening badge
-max enthusiasm in nature
-never have a “regular” job. Earn everything from the land. Digging up treasure is acceptable

Optional Objectives
-catch every type of fish
-earn gold fishing badge
-become a plantsim

And thus ends the first update of the Jias. I hope you enjoyed it.

legacy, jia, sims

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