The Bellows 1.3, a pixel-trade legacy

Sep 08, 2010 21:20

Finally getting around to posting this, I've had those pictures sitting un-uploaded for too long.

Last time, our frounder, Liam married the lovely Lucretia by boolpropbea  and they got locked out of their houses., which meant excessive trips to community lots. Later on they had triplets, named Ancorage (boy) , Novosibrisk (girl)  and Nuuk (boy) who by the end uf the update, became kids. Liam also had 3 aspiration faliures.

Warning: Excessive smustling, mixed feelings about the trashcan and your siblings, stupid ghosts and pets.

We ended with Novosibrisk and we start with her...failing at life.

Obviously, it's Liam's fault.

Life's not going easy on the Bellows triplets.

Smart boy, Nuuk, smart boy!

Smustling outside, by the trashcan is way better than smustling inside!

Then sit down, man!

The trashcan. The hippest place to be.

I felt it was high time Liam entered middle age(s).
We need more balding hairstyles!

Awesome! Uncontrolable promotion!

As I said, the hippest place ever.

I hope you guys wn't be teased *too* much at school for your horrible clothing. They just don't have money to spare on clothes :/

The kids seem to be bff.

O.o Riiiiiiight.

The ghosts seem to be incredibly stupid. What's the point in possessing stairs?

Has the deck replaced the trashcan? Only time will tell.

Worrying about one thing at a time is for losers!

Totes better than working in the gas station! Totes.

"Just sitting when you worry about your aspiration is so lame, my method is so much better and more fun"


Nuuk: " heard the bathroom is a way better place to smustle than the deck, or even the trashcan"

Ancorage and Novosibrisk just had to check if it was true or not.

This smustling session gets interrupted by daddy's arrival.



Novosibrisk adds insult to injury. Was that really necessary?

Ancorage is at it again.

Cz disapproves of your couch jumping but is glad to make your acquaintance!

Woo! A tikki idol! I shall never weep again!

Ah, ffs!

If one of you hasn't gotten more than 6 points by Uni, I'll eat my hair (I have no hat).


Moar babbies! MOAR!

"Those pets remind me of my hateful son"

Say hello to the pet legacy founder, Meginhard

"What the heck is wrong with my wife? I give her a stable life, triplets and free will and she bawls her eyes out? Despicable!"

In attemt to get Lucretia from crying and infuriating Liam all over the place, I sent them off to a date. Have a spam.

The date ended when Delphine lauriethemuppet  had to tell Lucretia how awesome meeting new people is (I think she's jealous).

Worst or most adorable fake smile ever?

It's party time and Armandoracetrackd  is being attacked by a tickle monster
by the name of Bradley wgroome

Trenton katu  is a shy and adorable dancer!

...and in the middle of long-distance pillow fight.

Liam, you should sometimes check on your own family before passing judgment. At least he's in the kitchen/living-room.

I wonder what Nuuk is cheering about? His good grades, his game entusiasm gain or his sister falling asleep on the floor?

...It must be his sister.

Don't worry, Meginhard is in good hands :)

"How dare my brother show sign of failure? How dare he?"
Nuuk, have you forgotten about the last party you attended to?


Gotta make them interact (it could give asp. points)

"This potatoe chip is sour, with hint of BBQ meat and grass"


"Fuck this trashcan and all it stands for (I think the trashcan may symbolize family time for him)!"


"From now on, this puddle will symbolize my need for family time!"


I feel ya, Nuuk, I feel ya.

Last picture of Meginhard enjoying being the only pet.



Le Gasp! How unexpected!

The dexterous strain of dexterity ran out before Nuuk could go to bed. Shame :(

Ancorage has nightmares about his sister. I bet they involve poking and trashcans.

"Oh, my son. Why did the dexterousness have to leave you before your mission was completed?"

Aw, Meginhard and Flywheels are getting along :)

"The dexterous strain left a strain on my neck"
Okay, I'll stop

Nuuk can't catch a break today!

YES, LIAM, JUST WHAT WAS NEEDED(I bet it's spaghetti or something)

The fire got extinguished and the mishap left Ancorage to ponder if he should replace his family with garden gnomes.

Hey! Meginhard never did anything to you! Be nice and pet him!


I got fed up with the ghosts and since no one said I *had* to keep them, bye-bye!

"Novosibrisk, I think our behavioural patterns might be traced to how badly we grew up"

Destroying the slushie machine=Promotion?

It's time for a MAKEOVER!

Day 1: Rich, snobby writer (or something)

"Oh, my beautiful and delicate features".

Day 2: Hobo-tastic

Day 3: Sports fan/nut-case

Lucretia needs our attention before we proceed to day 4.

And so, Longyearbyen is born and Liam is nowhere to be seen. But at least upendoaushi 's Simba is there for her, not caring at all.

Day 4: Classical musician.

Lucretia wants in on the makeovers as well.

Every cloud has a silver lining, she brought Keaton jesstheex  home with her.

Yes Lucretia, give Flywheels a belly rub and ignore Longyearbyen. By all means, continue this >_<

Longyearbyen grows up and you'll have to wait until the next update to know what he looks like. Sorry :/

Lucretia loves her husband's cowboy's day 5 makeover.

The kids still exist.

What kind of person can resist giving their pet a belly rub?

"Aw, Flywheels, don't let the big, mean woman get you down"
Liam's day 6 makeover if you couldn't tell.

And with his 6th makeover, I end this update. My update endings are freaking great, aren't they?

Torch-Holders(founders/heirs): 1
Perma-Plat Sims: 1
Aspiration failures/Shrink visit: 4
Social Bunny Visits: 0
Fires: 1
Self-Wettings: 6
Pass-Outs : 8
Fights: 3
Deaths: 0
Social Worker Visits: 0
Alien Abductions: 0
Next time, the triplets will grow up into teens and you get to see Longyearbyen's face. Liam will grow old, the family will grow and I show off my new default replacement.

pixel_trade, legacy, isbi, sims, bellows

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