After watching Snatch (I know, I'm laaaate), I decided to celebrate the awesomeness of Franky Four Fingers @
picspammy... little role (I wouldn't have minded some 10 minutes more with him, you know..) but epic moments :D
So the biblical scholars mis-translated the Hebrew word for "young woman" into the Greek word for "virgin," which was a pretty easy mistake to make, since there is only a subtle difference in the spelling. But back then it was the "virgin" that caught people's attention. It's not every day a virgin conceives and bears a son. So you keep that for a couple of hundred years, and the next thing you know, you have the Roman Catholic church.
Ver is da stooone?
Avi: Franky..
F: ..and vat?
Avi: Stay out of those casinos... [
Do you know why they call him Franky "Four Fingers" Doug? Because he makes stupid bets with dangerous people, and when he doesn't pay up, they give him te chop. And I'm not talking about his fucking fore-skin either.
I'll take it..
I have stones to sell, fat to chew, and many different men to see about many different ducks, so if I am not rushing you...
yeah, well, you may realize that after that things didn't go well for him.. =(
[screencaps from]
A compilation of epic moments, indeed..because you have to listen to his humourus accent too :D
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