
May 01, 2003 19:58

man oh man oh man ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

mr_roboto May 1 2003, 17:08:27 UTC
yr body feels lighter because WITHOUT ANIMALS THERE IS NO FOOD TO EAT


: (((


piejeff May 1 2003, 17:23:20 UTC
Wait... does Mr. Lee patrol downtown Newburyport for kids skipping classes?


skankinchan May 1 2003, 17:35:12 UTC
you should have given Mr. Lee seven detentions for skipping work.

As I read that part about not eating animals I was eating a Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger... it was the best one I have ever had.


piejeff May 4 2003, 07:35:59 UTC
yeah what an ass face


michelehazut May 1 2003, 18:57:02 UTC
hey jess (yeah i still read this haha), your totally welcome to come to the show. id be excited if you came. I have no hard feelings toward you. im kind of trying to do the same thing you are, removing hatred from my system ya know?

so yeah, i hope to see you there. The show got moved to the salvation army because the actor's studio screwed us.


rockabillyrudie May 4 2003, 07:02:23 UTC
well thanks. (it is now sunday morning and i was at the show lastnight and it was good.)

see ya.


xjblochx May 1 2003, 23:19:01 UTC
Hard lovin' straight thuggin
Bitch I ain't doing this shit for nothin.
Im here to get it poppin' and hoppin'
Lets ride out in the benz, hair blowing in the wind


momentofimpact May 2 2003, 00:23:59 UTC
i am really curious about this entire 'removing hatred' thing. no offense, because i wholly agree that people should live their lives as they see fit, but i don't but it. for me, anger and hatred has always pushed me; fueled me to change myself, to better myself. anytime i hear about a guy being an asshole to some girl, i get so fucking furious that my entire being makes an unconcious decision to never, EVER be that way. i guess it's a vicarious lesson, something i don't have to have been through to have learned the error of. my anger with and hatred for a lot of what i see has made me into the positive person that i am today.

so how does removing ALL hatred do anything? or rather, what are the benefits? i just don't seem them. but that's me. and i'm just trying to start a DIALOGUE here, not a battle. anyone replying, please be respectful of the way others choose to live.


ps: tell mr. lee that if jim cooney can skip all of his junior year, you sure as hell should be able to skip one day. :D


rockabillyrudie May 4 2003, 07:06:55 UTC
well, thank you for commenting. If you go back up again and read the journal entry you might notice something that i think you overlooked the first time you read it. I had said that "I have removed hatred for humans out of my system," which is a lot different, in my opinion, than removing hatred from my system completely. What i mean by this is that i refuse to allow myself to get caught up in my own insecurities and personal issues and allow myself to actually "hate" (what a strong word) another person. There is just no need for it. I mean, where does it get you? Hating someone's actions is a completely different thing, something that i haver certainly not stopped doing at some points, i am just trying to find other solutions mentally, in my own head where i can work it out by myself the way i want to, rather than just fly off the handle and tell someone i hate them. This might not make any sense because i wrote it really strangely but i hope you catch my drift.


momentofimpact May 4 2003, 13:29:22 UTC
i never meant to say that your theory didn't make sense. it makes as much sense as anything else haha. in my opinion, it just seems like a grand mistitling? controling your own flying off the handle to not jump the gun and say you hate someone is awesome. i think all people should do that. but if you are willing to make the concession that you are still going to hate peoples actions, doesn't that sort of compromise the "not hating humans" idea? because, it seems to me, that to say you will no longer have hatred for humans means that you've canceled it out completely -- rather, it seems you've done the actual, intelligent thing, and canceled out personal foolish judgements on people.

i'm proud of you for doing what you are doing. it's definetly a must. ps: i'm glad you can talk intelligently about your own opinions without getting super offended/feeling attacked. :)


Re: rockabillyrudie May 5 2003, 05:07:17 UTC
hey man, yeah i definately understand what you're saying. And you're right about the fact that i'm pretty sure i did mistitle my scheme. I still think that there is a very large line of boundary between hatred for humans and hatred for things they do. (Because obviously, with the exception of you and i, not everyone else is completely perfect.) Eventually i would like to be okay enough with myself that i won't have to use the word "hate" for such ridiculously miniscule things like the actions of one person i barely know from english class (or something like that) so that i won't feel like a giant bag of apathy and bones when i express hatred for some slightly larger more important issues that my hatred could be used in order to help the cause, rather than just complain about it. Do you know what i mean? yeah. i'm sure you do.

so that's that!


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