Fic: The Boy, Jeff/Jensen - AU, NC-17

Jul 30, 2011 08:34

Title: The Boy
Author: dastiel_gal
Rating: NC-17
Genre: AU, PWP, H/C
Pairing: Jeff/Jensen
Warnings Enticements: Slight underage, wide age gap ( Read more... )

jeff/jensen, rps, fic, kink, au

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Comments 18

smidgeson July 30 2011, 08:50:34 UTC
Very nice. I'm not big on underage sex and therefore enjoyed Jeff being responsible enough to call a halt and keep it 'legal'. But the enforced cuddling and unspoken promise at the end were the icing on the cake. Thank you.


rock_chick_333 July 30 2011, 14:57:36 UTC
I'm not generally big on underage if there's a wide age gap there - teens having mutually consensual sex has never bothered me - but I just get such a care-taking, gentle-dom vibe from Jeff that it doesn't squick me with him. There's just not an abusive bone in his body, y'know? He'd love Jensen and cherish him and teach him, and set him free with love if he should ever outgrow Jeff.


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rock_chick_333 July 30 2011, 14:59:13 UTC
I never say never... I also never make promises! Glad you liked it, and oh LOOK, you have a new porny icon. *stares*


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rock_chick_333 July 31 2011, 09:17:22 UTC
Absolutely, hun! Oh, and another nice icon, so purty...


beelikej July 30 2011, 13:08:31 UTC
Wow. This was. Wow. (You even made me forget my issues with beards;)

The illustration is wonderful too!

So does that promise at the end extend to writing as well?


rock_chick_333 July 30 2011, 15:04:40 UTC
The number of guys who can work full beards is strictly limited, but Jeff is definitely one of them!

I KNOW, RIGHT? salty_catfish is a rock star! Her Jensen's perfect - acres of pale freckled skin; how could Jeff resist that?

... Possibly. Sometime. My muse has deserted me for now.


shot_goth July 30 2011, 21:41:09 UTC
That was brilliant! I think hot milk late at night might be a new favourite thing of mine when I'm visiting!


rock_chick_333 July 31 2011, 09:18:45 UTC
I hope you don't think I'm gonna let you tip it all down me just so I have to strip? There are more fun ways to get nekkid...


salty_catfish July 30 2011, 21:52:53 UTC
Thanks for letting me play ♥


nelle816 July 31 2011, 00:43:37 UTC
Very good job on the art!


rock_chick_333 July 31 2011, 09:20:31 UTC
No, no, thank YOU for making my week! Makes me grin like a fool every time I look at it.

... hey, I don't suppose I could get a bigger, hi-res copy to use as my desktop, could I? Pretty please?? *puppy eyes*


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