Teen Wolf recs

Jul 05, 2010 10:49


Temporary Insanity by alakewood
Stiles hooks up with stranger Derek in Jungle's bathroom.

Be Near Me by alenie
It’s been over three months since John found out that werewolves are real when Stiles goes to the grocery store one night and doesn’t come back. Long, slowburn getting-together fic.

Taking Off The Edges by Ark
Scott's regard turning completely away hurts more than the wounded, incredulous eyeballing. He's bright red to the tips of his ears, and his hands are balled up tight into fists. “Tell me what the hell you were going to tell me, then,” Scott says. He's not looking at Stiles anymore, so Derek's the one who answers. “That we're paired,” says Derek, calmly and decisively, from over Stiles's shoulder. Bottom!Derek.

Little Red Riding Hood by aohatsu
Stiles hangs out with werewolves. Stiles dresses up as Little Red Riding Hood for Halloween. It's supposed to be ironic.

Little Red by ashinan
PWP. Stiles did research. He has PowerPoints. And a red hoodie. Derek was going to cave eventually.

Punch Drunk on Somebody's Joke by basilect
ABO. Stiles never says, straight out, that he’s not looking for a relationship. It seems rude and a little presumptuous - it’s not as if Derek has said that he wants anything other than someone to have fun with, either. Even if he did, Stiles knows what happens when you let yourself get involved with a alpha, and no matter how great the sex is he doesn’t need anyone telling him what to do or how to act.

A Wild Of Nothing and Wish I Was The Moon Tonight by bewaretheides15
Sharp, warm points drag against his throat, and Derek probably doesn’t even need to hear the staccato of Stiles’ heart, although he’s sure he can. Can probably feel Stiles’ jugular doing a tap dance against his tongue. If he wasn’t about to die horribly, Stiles might laugh. All the hours he’s spent imagining Derek’s mouth on him and he’s finally got it.

The Alexandrian Solution by bexless
Derek is having sex with Stiles when he pops a knot. He's as freaked out as Stiles is. Cracky, hilarious, and adorable.

Invited Inside by blacktofade
Of all the things to finally bite him, a vampire is truly at the bottom of Stiles’ list.

A (Sort Of) Fairytale by briecheesie, art by daunt
Werefox!Stiles. The summer after senior year starts normally enough, with the gang spending their final months before college together at the Martin family's lake house. Then Jackson stumbles onto the burial ground of a witch's ex-husband, Stiles is magically turned into a fox, and things somehow manage to get worse from there. The gratuitous Princess Bride references are only of moderate help. Slow-burn falling in love.

Consumed With What's To Transpire by Calex
First Time. College was supposed to be the time of his life, and instead of partying it up and doing all the sexual experimentation that movies had kept telling him he was going to do, he was sad and missed his boyfriend, and the only action he'd managed to get was from his own right hand. Because of course Derek would also be too much of a prude for Skype sex.

Knotting Expectations by chase_acow
Stiles gets an eyeful and suddenly getting up close and personal to a werewolf is all he can think about. Filthyhot with DS overtones.

A Californian Werewolf in New York by dancinbutterfly and knight_tracer
When Derek finally realizes that there's nothing left for him in Beacon Hills, he goes back to New York, gets a life, falls in love and finds his home.

Beltane by Devildoll
Watching Stiles heal someone has always been a little uncomfortable for Derek, like he's seeing something intimate and private that shouldn't have an audience. That's nothing compared to how it feels.

Free Consultation by Devildoll
Stiles Stilinski, professional knotting surrogate.

Jinx Removing by Devildoll
Derek wished he would sit down or take his jacket off or something; anything that would indicate he was going to stay for more than a few minutes.

Love Runs Wild by DevilDoll
Neckz'n Throatz 'verse. "You've got a hickey on the back of your neck!" Isaac says accusingly. They're both looking at Stiles with a mixture of sympathy and disbelief, which was how Scott used to look at him every time he got sent to the principal's office.

You Were A Kindness When I Was a Stranger by Devildoll
"It's not all handcuffs and spankings and learning to deep throat." AU with consensual BDSM sex acts, in which Derek supports Stiles financially in exchange for a sexual relationship.

All Tied Up by dizzzylu
The scarves are damp from Stiles' sweat, blood red turning near-black at the edges, and Derek licks at them, letting the flat of his tongue drag over Stiles' overheated skin. Stiles whimpers, hands flexing in their bindings, the tendons shifting enough for Derek to feel them against his lips.

(Won't) Let Me Hold You Down by dizzzylu
This thing with Derek, Stiles knows, is all about trust. Bottom!Derek.

(Sink Your Teeth) Right Through My Bones by eledhwenlin
Derek likes to mark Stiles up. Good thing that Stiles likes it, too.

Aversion Therapy by entanglednow
"I don't get this weird new you, ok. The helping, and the showing up at random moments when I'm in peril, like I'm Lois Lane or something. Because, seriously, if I completely discount the way you sometimes look at me like you want to strangle me to death, I'd have to hazard a guess that you like me and this is some sort of weird, angry courtship."

By Any Other Name by entanglednow
He doesn't know his name, he doesn't know who he is, and neither does the werewolf he's on the run with. But he's pretty sure they hunt monsters, because they seem to be really good at it.

I'll Just Entertain Myself by entanglednow
"What are you doing?" Derek asks. He doesn't sound sleepy. Though he does sound like he already knows he'll probably regret the answer. "Your ass is amazing," Stiles tells him. Which is an answer, whether it sounds like one or not. Filthy, delicious bottom!Derek porn.

Shelter by five_ht
After the rave, Stiles can't go home, and Derek doesn't want him to.

Articulation by fleete
In which Stiles "accidentally" chains himself to a wall, and Derek has to use his words.

Cause of Death by fr333bird
It turns out that although Stiles may be the one who’s been caught wearing panties, he isn’t the only one with an awkward boner, and that makes him feel a whole lot better about this situation.

State of Readiness series by girlguidejones
After barely defeating the Alpha pack, Derek is determined to give his own pack members the one-on-one training they need to ensure each is ready for the next enemy. He sets out with a goal of eliminating everyone's biggest weakness, but if he thought his pack would let self-improvement pass their Alpha by, he's sadly mistaken. When Stiles is chosen to mentor Derek, things between them change forever.

Lead You Home Again by gotthesilver
he first time Derek meets Stiles, the kid’s brown eyes are wide, and he’s staring up at him with a mischievous grin as he tugs at the arm of Derek’s first ever Batman figure like he’s trying to separate it from Batman’s body. Long and plotty.

So Shed Your Skin And Lets Get Started by halfhardtorock
He's sixteen and in the woods on the wrong side of the town-line and he's so fucking fucked. He knows he's not supposed to run, they teach that to you in preschool (don't run from a Were, back away slowly and walk with care), but they never told you how it would feel, standing alone in the dark with your heart beating in your throat as those glowing eyes tracked you from the shadows.

Alpha Complex by hatteress
"Hold still," Stiles says, hand clamping down on the back of Derek's neck to keep him from turning and it's laughable, really - the thought that that would be enough to hold him. Except it is. Because Stiles' fingers are gripping the nape of Derek's neck, pressure sure and hard and Derek- Derek can't fucking breathe.

Finger Bangin' by hatteress
Hand kink. Stiles starts bringing drumsticks to Pack gatherings, sitting himself on the edge of the group to tap out maddening rhythms on his knees as the werewolves train. The first time he’d pulled them out, spinning one stick in a showy twirl between his fingers, Derek had actually staggered a little, missed a basic move, and ended up on his back blinking up at fucking Jackson, of all people.

Once Bitten 'verse by hatteress
Stiles marks Derek. By accident.

Scent Marking For Dummies by hatteress
Stiles is almost used to being chased around the school by werewolves at this point. Having to share a bed with Derek freaking Hale, on the other hand, is just needlessly complicating his life.

Shut Me Up by hatteress
“The sounds you make,” Derek says, and his voice is low and filthy even to his own ears. “Fuck, Stiles.” OR The one in which Stiles fails at being quiet during sex and Derek has to shut him up.

Come To My Window series by ladyblahblah
Stiles is having some much-needed alone time. Derek interrupts. Then things get interesting. Like, voyeurism and public sex, interesting.

Mix and Match by jerakeen
Stiles walks into the Beacon Hills alpha-omega mixer with a smile on his face and three condoms in his wallet. Hawt bonding fic.

You Fit Me Better by jerakeen
Neckz 'n Throatz-adjacent. It's only been eight months since he started having the dreams, but he's already cracking. He's heard of people living thirty, forty years with them, unable to find the one, complete the bond.... He doesn't know if he could do it. The euphoric, in-love feeling that used to carry into his day now hurts. It feels like someone's ripping it out of his chest every morning and he's bleeding, all day, until he's asleep again and he is there.

A Lot Like by kototyph
Wherein Stiles is not possessed of all the facts, and Derek is not a reliable source of information. ADORBS, I cannot read this often enough!

Electricity In The Contact by ladyblahblah
In which Derek has been invited to the Greater Pacific Northwest Alpha Symposium (that's not what it's called, Stiles, stop saying that), and showing up unattached would mean an arranged marriage. When the rest of the pack objects, he agrees to let Stiles come along to pose as his mate. Derek is reasonably sure that he's not going to make it out of this weekend alive.

All Of Him by lolafeist
Derek has basically zero capacity to express what he wants. So Stiles has no choice but to stumble headlong into his own fantasies and budding kinks, hoping some of them intersect with Derek’s, that they can map out some of the things Derek’s never allowed himself to have.

Around The Bend by lupus and uraneia
The first time Derek catches sight of the new yoga instructor, Stiles is in the middle of showing a class how to do downward-facing dog. Derek walks into a wall. Things don’t exactly improve from there.

Stiles, why is Derek Hale passed out on our front porch? by marguerite_26 and mothlights
When Derek is bitten by a Chuul, Stiles' magic has to get up close and personal with Derek's wolf to save him. Which has unexpected consequences.

Of college boys, old tv shows, trust and heavy petting by original_cypher
It's a quiet midday during Spring Break at Derek's. Stiles is set on a lazy afternoon, and judging by the way Derek is sinking into the couch, he won't get any arguments from the sleepy alpha, so he settles for his usual routine of 'petting the werewolf's hair'. It all goes like usual until they make an interesting discovery.

He Takes His Coffee Black by orphan_account
AU. Derek returns home to his family's coffee shop where he spends the dry winter days filling aggravating orders for equally aggravating people and burning his hands with scalding milk. It's the last place on earth he expects to find a kindred spirit, but some twitchy kid named Stiles-- with his simple order of one black coffee and a wry little grin-- turns out to be just that.

A Slight Distraction by otter
Mildly cracky AU. Derek's parents pick up a hitchhiker. Laura is completely horrible. Everything turns out better than expected.

Flying Changes by otter
Derek's a dressage rider with a reputation for frowning and making people cry. Stiles is an acrobatic stunt rider whose resume includes medieval-themed dinner shows and the actual circus. Derek's an Olympian, he doesn't need this shit.

Happiness Is Not A Horse, You Can't Ride It by otter
Derek's expecting the new guy. He's expecting another mostly-useless college kid who doesn't know one end of a horse from the other, and Derek doesn't have the time to babysit. What he's not expecting is Stiles Stilinski, who carries on conversations with the livestock and gets maybe a little too chummy with Isaac and is really kind of stupidly perfect in every way.

Incantation Ink series by otter
The tattoo parlor didn’t look like much. The apprentice who was supposed to be inking Derek's new magical tattoo wasn't immediately confidence-inspiring either.

Incarnadine by otter
He looks down at the long curve of Stiles’ bare back and wants to paint it himself, to press a wet palm between Stiles’ shoulders, leave a crimson stain there to bind them together and give them a place to begin. Blinding hot naked ritual body painting in the woods. Unf.

Mated by otter
Neckz'n Throatz 'verse. Stiles already had a history with skin magazines for werewolves. It wasn't like he was new at this, even if his modeling portfolio was completely pathetic. He was cool and collected. He was a jaded professional. He was not at all prepared for working with Derek Hale.

The Importance of Turning Around Three Times Before Lying Down by otter
It’s like this dog has walked out of all of Stiles’ childhood dreams and into the real world just because Stiles wanted it hard enough. He is the most awesome dog ever, and he and Stiles have a bond. A deep, unbreakable bond because this animal is his soul mate, obviously. Now he just has to convince the dog of that.

Fireman Derek's Crazy Pie by owlpostagain
“He can't blame me for the fact that I live in a building full of people united in the singular effort to ogle Hot Fireman as often as humanly possible," says Stiles. Laura laughs, loud and echoing in the empty restaurant. "Hot firemen can make a girl do crazy things," she agrees, nodding towards her brother's name on the menu. "Derek won't let me date anyone from his company, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the eye candy."

When The Highway Takes Me by Paxlux
Post-apocalyptic. It’s been a hundred days.

An Alpha's Mark by piscaria
Stiles never thought he'd get a tattoo -- then he found out human pack members could grow stronger by taking an Alpha's Mark. Knotting.

Spark, Smolder, Catch by qthelights
When Stiles starts pulling down Derek's burnt-out house, Derek finds himself letting him. He doesn't know why. Slow-burn falling in love.

Bonding Rites by Rabid1st
Stiles is about to turn eighteen and is training to be an Emissary. He's learned that there are certain rituals he might need to perform in order to be bonded to his pack. To his surprise, Derek Hale agrees to help with his bonding rites. Panic and hilarity and some explicit sexy times ensue.

The Worst Thing I Ever Did by remainnameless
Stiles would say his relationship with Derek is about fifteen percent empty threats, thirty percent sass, ten percent avoiding violence together, and five percent eyebrows. If anyone asked, he would say the remaining forty percent is mutual orgasms. It’s a good thing no one ever asks.

Our Memories Are Numbered by rufflefeather
Stiles’ Jeep grinds to a halt, he sees someone running through the rain, he's not expecting it to be Derek. He's not expecting a Derek without any memories either, or an Alpha pack that's coming for all of them. He probably should've, because lately nothing goes the way he expects.

Shake My Ash To The Wind by rufflefeather
Kissing Stiles is like a breeze through an open window that chases away a smell of fire that never leaves. The first time he tastes surprised and says, Holy shit while his fingers find lips that probably sting a little from Derek’s stubble. It makes Derek laugh and Stiles’ eyes go wide and pleased as if that’s a bigger surprise than the kiss.

The Rags Of My Skin by saucery
In a world ruled by werewolves, Stiles is a hooker and Derek is his client. Dubcon.

BiteZ by shaenie
Neckz'n Throatz 'verse. Human Derek works for a skin mag, werewolf Stiles is a high school journalism student, and they're entirely unsuitable for one another, which doesn't stop them at all.

Predator/Prey by someone_who_isnt_me
The only reason a guy who looked like this and drove a car like this would be picking up a scrawny underage hooker was because he wanted to do to Stiles the sorts of things you couldn't ask a girlfriend or boyfriend for, or even a stranger in a bar. Nasty-bad wrong things. Things that only money handed over could make better, silence bought and paid for. Knotting.

Alpha Spikes by starbeast
Alphas are like royalty and are offered their choice of any age eighteen-and-up virgin Omega for each year's heat season, as a 'thank-you' to all they've done for their compounds throughout the year. Derek is an Alpha and...yeah, Stiles. Stiles is an Omega. And still a virgin. In every way. And he's just turned eighteen. This...is not his day.

Muérdago by starbolin
“Oh my God, you can smell that?” Stiles said, appalled. “Wait, that’s amazing! What else can you -- hold on, okay, just a second --” He closed his eyes and imagined the part in Men in Black where Will Smith got himself swallowed by the alien and exploded it from the inside, holding it in his mind in as much revolting detail as he could. “Okay, how do I smell now?” “Like a horny teenager,” Derek said, and whoa, he sounded pissed.

Untitled Filthy Porn by thatotherperv
Alwaysagirl!Stiles, menstrual cunnilingus. Childhood crushes are all well and good, but when it turns out the object of your obsession affection is a serial-killing werewolf who ruined your best friend's life and future, a girl has to let certain ideas go.

Cherry Bomb and Service Weapon by the_deep_magic
Stiles is yanked up to his feet so fast that his world spins and his shoulder aches and he’s a second from screaming police brutality! when he gets a good look at the cop’s face. Holy shit. Stiles was just tackled to the ground by a fucking underwear model with a badge.

Pack Up; Don't Stray by the_deep_magic
AU. Werewolves are an enslaved underclass, collared and tagged by human masters. Detective Stilinksi’s on duty the night they bring in an untagged stray.

Dwells Amidst Your Walls by the_ragnarok
Scott accidentally sells Stiles' virginity on Craigslist. (Derek wins.)

Fling by the_ragnarok
Stiles hates spending heats alone.

Gordian Knot (Of Sex) by tourdefierce
First time, knotting. Stiles doesn't know why he thought getting rid of his pesky virginity was going to be easier with Derek involved-the guy is practically allergic to doing anything the easy way and that includes Stiles.

Darling, It Is No Joke by thehoyden
The first thing Stiles thinks when he opens the door is that it’s not his birthday, but someone has sent him some kind of cop stripper.

Words Whispered by Firelight by tigerlady
"We had our own stories, though. Werewolf stories." Stiles takes an aimless couple steps forward, the curiosity in him a thing of kinetic energy. "Like what?" Bestiality.

(Come A Bit) Closer by tourdefierce
A story in which Stiles goes to college and levels up his relationship with Derek--amongst other things.

Sashay (Stay) by triedunture
Stiles is an up-and-coming drag queen, Miss Julia Styles, who must transform a butch guy into a passable drag performer in order to win a cutthroat competition. Enter Derek Hale, the nightclub's bouncer and the only guy willing to lend a hand.

DELETE ME by trilliath
Stiles is trying very hard to finish his final paper for Professor Derek Hale, but he can't stop thinking about banging his professor instead of actually writing his paper. Lydia's advice to write down his thoughts is helpful... but dangerous in the hands of sleep-deprived Stiles when he forgets to remember two very important words before turning in his paper: DELETE ME.

A Road That's Built To Last by twisting_vine_x
Stiles is driving the Trans-Canada highway, all the way from Toronto to Vancouver. He's always been told that it's a bad idea to pick up hitchhikers, but, somehow, he's still got someone riding shotgun with him, and he's starting to think it might be one of the best decisions he's made in a long time.

Someone Needs To Sex Me by twisting_vine_x
A frankly ridiculous crotch-rock title for what is in fact an achingly beautiful, gentle first-time fic, wherein Derek is the one most in need of tenderness.

Birthdays Suck and Won't You Be My Mate by unloyal_olio
Stiles backs away until his butt hits a stool. "Um, I'm used to the version of Derek that sort of toler-hates me, so you being flirt-hate-cious-total mind fuck, dude. Mind fuck.".

Last Traces of Smoke series by unpossible
Derek turns his gaze back to the amber-eyed boy. His hands are clenched against the urge to grab, to sink his face into that smooth, pale throat and just breathe. He has to, oh God this isn’t just about the moon but it’s worse tonight, urge getting stronger and he needs. His hands are still hands and not claws, teeth still human, but keeping it that way robs him of any finesse which is why he leads with, “How much for a whole night?”

Things We Know, Unsaid by uraneia
If he thought Derek would be angry or embarrassed at Stiles finding a trunk full of quality BDSM gear in his closet, he’d have been wrong. “I used to do it professionally, in New York,” Derek says easily, and Stiles-Stiles doesn’t know how to process that. Because he’s seventeen and has eyes and an unfortunately vivid imagination, and if he lets it go there he’s not going to get any use out of any body part except his dick for several hours.

Heartbreaker by vampireisthenewblack
Every night, Derek watches Stiles go home with someone else. Hurty in all the right ways, with a happy ending.

Kaleidoscope by vendelin
CODE RED TISSUE WARNING. Stiles spends a year before college working at the all-night coffee shop in town. It's nice and quiet, until one dark and brooding Derek starts coming in every morning, ordering coffee so strong that it should not be fit for human consumption. Ever. Stiles tries not to be affected by the mystery guy, but it's not like anything else happens around here, so really, what did you expect? And when he's already in too deep, he realises he might even be in way over his head.

Derek Hale's No Bad Very Good Day by venivincere
Derek Hale is having a good day. Something has obviously gone very, very wrong. Feelgood fluff.

Alpha Magazine Verse by WhoNatural
Ugly Betty AU. Stiles thinks he’s finally getting a break when a job at the sleek, sophisticated, Alpha Magazine opens up - but soon realises he’s not going to be writing anything and instead is playing tutor-slash-babysitter to their new Editor-in-Chief. Derek’s spoiled, grumpy, in way over his head...and so painfully attractive it makes Stiles want to lick his face. So there’s very little choice in the matter.

[Other Pairings]Other Pairings

Any Port In A Storm by poisontaster
Derek/Scott. aka How Derek Hale, Age Twenty-Mumble, Spent His Summer Vacation.

A Druid, a Banshee, and a Werewolf Walk into a Bar by XaviaAndromedovna
Stiles/Lydia/ftm!Cora. Stiles and Lydia are on a road trip when they run into a Hale. Sexytimes ensue.


Read Between The Lines by kriari
TylerH/Dylan. After spending five seasons rooted firmly in subtext, Stiles and Derek's relationship has finally taken a critical turn. While Tyler may attempt to blame his recent confusion on simple character bleed, a questionable decision made in the midst of the ensuing media storm leads him to reevaluate what he's always told himself. Namely, that he's not in love with Dylan.

All The Better by saltandbyrne
TylerH/Dylan, pornstar AU. How Dylan manages to keep such a straight face during shoots mystifies Tyler. Seriously, how was he supposed to stand there with his dick in his hand and say, “All the better to fuck you with”?


Breath of Life by xosimplyvidsox
Sterek. Part black-and-white, part sepia, part hand-tinted, all gorgeous.


the last of the great pretenders by alovething
SPN crossover, Derek/Dean. “The last time I fucked a hunter, she burned my family’s house down,” he grits out. He grabs the guy’s hair and yanks his head back, licking over the mark he’s left on pale, freckle dusted skin. “What’s to say you’re any different?”

Snowed In by hatteress
SPN crossover. “The next time we decide to piss off Jack Frost remind me to hole up somewhere with booze,” Dean says, not so much stoking the fire as stabbing it violently.

Rattle Loose Your Bones series by sidara
Avengers crossover. Crossing the line meant never looking back and Stiles learned long ago to live with what he’s done.

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