SPN Fic Recs - Dean/Castiel

May 01, 2010 19:54


Keep Looking for Water by Anonymous, but that style is unmistakeable... ♥♥♥♥
This, OMG. Some of the most perfect, loving BDSM ever written. Why do doms like this not actually exist? Real life is so unfair...

Except Thou Bless Me by architeuthis ♥♥♥
NC-17; Castiel is wroth, and Dean is having a great time. Glorious hot dom/sub whumpage and kinky sex. This is the best fic I have ever read, bar none, and the commentary is awesome too. Respect, dude.

Something, Something That Replies by architeuthis ♥♥
NC-17; Dean Smith is mystified by the marks on his body.

In Translation by 22by7
Cas reads poetry to Dean. Porn ensues.

Below Skyscrapers by aesc ♥♥
Cop AU. Detective Winchester is not best pleased when a freaking angel's assigned to help him investigate the Circle Murders instead of his usual partner. I'm reccing fic that has no sex! It's SO well-written and beautifully in-character that I hardly even noticed, much less cared.

Dies Irae by alchemyalice ♥♥
It starts with headaches, and it ends in a clusterfuck. So, business as usual, Apocalypse-wise. I usually hate apocafic, but this is epic and plotty and awesome.

Beyond the Edge and Falling by annundriel, cautionzombies, obstinatrix and tiptoe39 ♥♥♥
Cas is feeling dejected about his increasing humanity. Dean shows him some of the benefits. How a piece with this many authors can hang together so goddamn wonderfully is beyond me, but wow, does it!

We Are Young Supernovas & The Heat’s About To Break by annundriel and cautionzombies
Time is fluid and uncertain. Dean meets someone in his past who's originally from his future. It changes everything.

One More Look At The Ghost by annundriel ♥♥
500 words of emotional agony. This is exquisite.

There's Not a Step We Can Take That Does Not Bring Us Closer by annundriel
NC-17; It's a love story. Castiel doesn't recognize this new feeling sinking in around Dean until it's already taken hold, set down roots, and begun to grow.

The Ecstasy by annundriel
PWP. They'll remember this later.

In a Twist, followed by Boxers or Briefs and Silk Stockings (on DW) by annundriel ♥♥♥
Castiel buys Dean a little something. Dean likes it. A lot. Panty kink.

Wow, I Can Get Sexual Too by beautyinchains ♥♥
Dean is fairly certain his future self is knocking boots with future!Cas. But he’d better go check it out, just to be sure. PWP.

Let It Go by brokentoy
Castiel struggles with his newfound humanity and has questions. Dean is there to help.

2014!verse webcomic by daggomus-prime ♥♥
My first art rec! This is all unrequited love and angsty manpain. *clutches heart*

Last Chance (To Lose Control) by darksilvercat ♥♥
NC-17; Dean and Castiel have sex. And some other stuff maybe happens.

Respect by darksilvercat   ♥
NC-17; How 4.02 should have ended, (ie: pornily ^_^)

More Than the Flames of Me by dotfic 
NC-17; Castiel has a purpose here, a mission. But there are things Castiel wants.

The Syntax of Things by dotfic
R; After the events of "Lucifer Rising," Sam and Dean take refuge at Bobby's. Chuck shows up with an injured Castiel, forcing Dean to deal with his conflicted feelings.

There's a Design by dsudis
NC-17; "I need you to be all right," Castiel said, because angels did not lie, even if they disguised themselves, even if they left out the vast majority of the truth.

To Course Across More Kindly Waters Now by dsudis
R; "You have to get clean. This is only a stop along the way."

Five Times Castiel Kept Their Appointment by dugindeep
NC-17; Title says it all, really.

Inside and Out of You by edenbound
He can only do this because he trusts Cas.

Love Is Not A Victory March by electricskeptic ♥♥
SEASON 6 SPOILERS. First time. It’s a funny thing about intimacy; if Castiel had attempted to hug him rather than Sam, Dean probably would have laughed him all the way back up to Heaven, but sex -- sex, he’s familiar with.

Reflections by emerald_embers
NC-17; In which Dean's definition of 'normal' continues to be damaged, and Castiel doesn't quite grasp the concept of good books and bad books.

A Heart That Hurts (Is A Heart That Works) by enigmatic-blue
When Dean is offered a reward for sending Lucifer back to hell, he asks for Castiel to be let off the hook. What he doesn’t realize is that disobedience always has consequences. And when he gets a phone call from Claire Novak, Dean may find that he’s in over his head. Post-apocalypse curtain!fic.

Browser History by entangled_now
In which Sam does another sort of research, and Dean is amused.

Words and Hands by entangled_now
PG-13; Castiel offers himself up as a teacher.

Pie by entangled_now
PG-13; Dean eats pie, Dean shares pie.

Right Through You by entangled_now
Castiel and Dean are not the same, leading to slightly angsty, schmoopy sex. No, really.

My Eyes Are An Ocean followed by An Eye For An Eye by entangled_now ♥♥
It's amazing what you decide you can get away with when you can't see a damn thing. Kleenex will be needed, I'm telling you.

Conservation Of Space by entangled_now
There aren't a lot of things more torturously unpleasant than killing a succubus, exactly two minutes after she managed to cover you in whatever passed for her crazy pheromone crap. Yay sex!pollen!!

I Love The Bones Of You by fleshflutter
Dean has been missing for three days when Cas finds him. Angsty UST.

To Go Without the Spectre's Aid by fossarian ♥♥
Scorching hot breathplay. Nggghhh.

36 Views of Dean and Castiel by haruslex ♥♥
Dean & Cas' relationship in a load of gorgeous snippets.

Boys Helping Boys by here4castiel ♥♥
AU. Castiel is one of the gay hosts of a male makeover show, and Dean is the unkempt straight guy getting made over for his brother Sam's wedding.

Second Chances by icarus-chained ♥♥♥
Future!Cas is dying, and his Father grants him one last request. Five years previously, back in the present, Dean is dreaming. READ WITH A BOX OF KLEENEX IN YOUR LAP. I bawled.

Shields Made of Ecstasy by isagel    
NC-17; The prompt is "sensation play", and I'm using one of my favourite characters with canonical wings. You can probably see in which general direction this is headed. :)

Fools Rush In by izazov 
NC-17; Dean and Castiel are searching for a weapon to kill Lucifer with. Things don't go according to plan.

Untitled comment fic by janie-tangerine
Three years ago, Dean would have burned from shame at the bare thought of doing this.

Out On The Tiles by janie-tangerine
Cas takes Dean to a Zep gig. In 1975.

In Real Life by jenniferlupin   ♥
R; AU. Castiel is the English teacher at the school Sam teaches history at. Dean is a writer who has been sending his stories to an online friend (Castiel) for editing. Sam finds out and realizes that Dean and Castiel don't know each other in real life, but really should.

Touch by kijikun
PWP. Dean never really gave Castiel's wings much thought, but he didn't let himself think about Cas' mouth much either.

Re-occurring Irreverence by krystalicekitsu
In which Dean trains his angel on a more obscure human tradition. Because the Dastiel ship wasn't kinky enough already.

A Rain of Feathers by laceymcbain
and sequel A Single Feather
NC-17; Sex pollen angel!porn with a plot. No, seriously.

Through Dooms Of Love by ladytelemachus
Claire Novak catches a glimpse of the man who used to be her father.

Reverb on AO3 by leonidaslion ♥♥
In which Castiel is most assuredly not a hammer... So good it makes me kinda wish her OTP weren't Wincest.

Right Up Over the Wire by liadan14 ♥♥♥
Sam's initial reaction to Dean & Cas' relationship means Dean has to re-evaluate and come to terms with his past.

Ellipsis by liadan14 ♥♥
A tiny and beautiful fic filled with feeling.

Veteran by liadan14
Dean's been thinking about changing things much more often recently, what with Cas being around the way he is now, and with what Ellen left him in her will. Heart-warming post-apocalypse readjustment.

Unsaid by liadan14
AU in which John and Mary both died in the fire and Dean is deaf. He lives in an orphanage, and he’s just six months short of eighteen when someone in charge decides that a deaf kid must go well with a mute one and gives Dean a new roommate.

The Thorn On The Rose by misslucyjane
Dean and Castiel have flirted with their attraction for months, but then the Apocalypse had to go and start and Castiel was exploded by an archangel. Now Castiel is back: a little fiercer, a little stronger, as inscrutable as ever. And they have a lot to talk about.

Beauty and the Beast by misslucyjane ♥♥
PG; AU. Who is the mysterious creature who lives behind the high walls of Messenger Manor? Dean Winchester, an apprentice hunter, is determined to find out.

The Book Your Soul Is Writing by mithrel
Dean’s been having dreams. (Cliched plot, I has it.)

The First of the Next by mithrel
They’d had plenty of first kisses. Achingly romantic.

Sense Memory by mithrel ♥♥♥
He’s overreacting, he knows he’s overreacting, but he can’t help it. Dean struggles to accept his panty kink.

Dust in the Wind by moonlettuce
Fallen!Cas/Dean, sort-of wing!porn in a weird way, angsty hawt sex.

I Seek Shelter in the Base of your Spine by moonlettuce
Fallen!Cas/Dean, hot-schmoopy sex.

So Come Sweet Fire by morganoconner ♥♥
Knotting fic. Dean's first heat takes hold long after he's stopped expecting it.

Paradise Circus by nanoochka ♥♥
Dean tries to help Sam get laid with the help of a pretty unusual prop; he inadvertently turns Cas on to the magic of Massive Attack and Apple products.

I'll Be Your Everlasting by narkypoon
NC-17; Dean can't stop staring.

All The Kings Men by neenascabana
Castiel had known this day was coming from the moment of his creation, but he never understood until now that he’d be the one destined to hold the pieces of Dean’s shattered soul together. I read gen fic and I liked it! What's the world coming to?

Second Verse, Same as the First by oatmeal_queen
R; On a day that doesn't seem to want to end, Dean and Castiel are faced with an opponent who attempts to force them apart with the barter of one's freedom in exchange for the other's absolute death. But whose life is worth more? A human's or an angel's?

The Summer Holds a Song (We Might Sing Forever) by obstinatrix and annundriel ♥♥
AU. When Castiel Elkan rents John Winchester's beach house for the summer, all he's looking for is a quiet place to write. From the moment he lays eyes on John's teenage son, he knows his chances of staying free from distraction are nil.

Our Bodies, Possessed By Light by obstinatrix ♥♥♥
DEAN/SAMSTIEL. Purged of all his souls, Castiel is too powerful for Jimmy's body to contain; happily, there's an archangel's vessel on hand. Dean isn't too happy about his brother acting as a vessel for Castiel, and Sam can guess why -- Cas is as in love with Dean as Dean is with him. It's unfortunate, but Castiel will get another vessel soon. In the meantime, they establish their own strange accord, and Dean realises more fully than ever that it's Castiel, and not his vessel, that he loves.

The Voice Of The Turtledove on AO3 by obstinatrix ♥♥♥
AU. Castiel was eleven years old when he first felt there was something wrong with him. He's twenty-nine, a Roman Catholic priest in a small New England village, before Dean Winchester shows him that there isn't.

Bring It On Home by obstinatrix ♥♥
Cas is beginning to display emotions. This wouldn’t be so bad, were it not for the fact that the emotions seem to be centring themselves on Dean. Dean is oblivious, of course; Sam, on the other hand, is not.

My Mirrored Room, My Secret Life by obstinatrix ♥♥
D/S. 2014!Cas has discovered just what it means when Dean's breathing goes all funny during sex when Cas's hand is on his throat. Now, dominating him during sex is just something they do.

The Beating of His Hideous Heart and The Hanged Man by obstinatrix ♥♥
Dubcon liek whoa. Dean is the charming sociopath and Castiel is the fresh-faced prison chaplain. Dean, after weeks of working Cas over, finally gets his hands on him after a careless guard leaves them alone. Beautifully written and utterly disturbing.

In Matters of The Cloth by obstinatrix
Dean Smith/Castiel. Dean Smith sustains himself on secrets. He doesn't know how to feel about his suspicion that Mr Adler's secretary sees right through him. Panty kink.

Untitled Ficlet by olympia_m
Dean has a dream about Cas leaving.

Cindermouse by olympia_m
R; AU. SPN/Cinderella: Dean is the handsome prince looking for a wife. He meets Cas instead, the downtrodden servant of Uriel and Zachariah.

If I Was Body by olympia_m
NC-17. Hot first-time fic.

Lazarus Coming by olympia_m ♥♥
Take Dean: ladies man and gay-for-pay. Take Castiel: ex-junkie with daddy issues. Mix. Stir well. Enjoy! Pornstar!Dean - kill me now, I'll die happy!

Roses Are Planted Where Thorns Grow by pandarus
In which Dean Winchester has a thoroughly distressing dream about Azazel, and Castiel attempts to cheer him up

Pied Beauty by pandarus
PG; Like in Wings of Desire, angels see only in black and white. Dean makes Castiel see colors.

The Stars Threw Down Their Spears by pandarus ♥♥
NC-17; Castiel puts Dean quite firmly in his place.

This Mortal Coil by pandarus ♥♥
NC-17; In which Castiel manages to escape the archangels with his life, just, and seeks sanctuary with the Winchesters.

Let Him Kiss Me With the Kisses of His Mouth by pandarus ♥♥
NC-17; First time. under-a-spell!Dean fucking virgin!Cas.

Control by pandarus ♥♥♥
Dean Smith/Castiel. Blinding hot BDSM porn based on Secretary. Guh.

Echo by peppervl ♥♥
He returns every year, until one day Dean doesn’t show. This? Is how to write a drabble.

Lambs of John by qthelights
5.18 Coda. If Castiel loses faith in Dean, then his sacrifice will be for nothing.

Asunder on AO3 by rageprufrock
AU It's going to be a shitty wedding with shitty people and a shitty atmosphere and Dean feels shitty about going.

The Girlfriend Experience on AO3 by rageprufrock
While it's not like Dean hasn't had a couple of truly regrettable hit-and-runs in his sexual history, this is probably the saddest fucking thing that has ever happened to him.

The List by researchsociety
Cas makes a list. Heartbreaking and beautifully written.

This and So Much More by rockstarpeach
Dean slowly admits how he really feels about Cas, which is kind of hard for him, because Cas is a) Cas, and b) a guy. He may or may not have Sam to thank for it when he finally comes around.

Inhuman by scaramouche on Dreamwidth.
Written for Porn Battle IX, prompts: Impala, burn, bright, smile, crazed. Dean has learned that sex is different when there’s an angel involved.

Close Encounters on DW by scaramouche
It's the same old story: boy meets space alien, boy sleeps with space alien, boy's brother is mortified.

It's Always the End of the World Somewhere on DW by scaramouche
AU. Dean is the popular captain of the football team, and Castiel is the off-kilter nobody who doesn't so much as breathe the same air as Dean. Then senior year happens and the status quo is shot to smithereens.

Dean Doesn't Listen to Eurythmics on AO3 by scaramouche ♥
PWP. Dean and Castiel share a bed. It starts out platonic, and then becomes something else.

In Skewed Ascension by someblazingstar ♥♥
NC-17; It was a brown wingtip shoe, kicking suddenly out over the top of the empty passenger seat, that started to alert Dean to what was wrong with the angel he'd had to drag into the backseat of the Impala in the aftermath of their battle with an incubus.

(Let's Meet In) The Purgatory Of Your Hips by someblazingstar ♥♥
Dean saves Castiel from falling. With sex. Bonus points for mention of hooker!Dean.

The Stars Would Hesitate and sequel Hold The Heavens From The Earth by someblazingstar
NC-17; By the time they catch on that the seal Castiel frantically grabbed Dean away from Sam to save was a ruse, by the time they make it back to the hotel room, it's too late.

Catch by someblazingstar
Dastiel hot first time porn.

But My Sorrows, They Learned to Swim by someblazingstar ♥♥
As an angel, of course, Castiel did not dream, because he did not sleep.

Spilt Milk by sparky77
Sam tried the whole reverse psychology thing on Dean when he was seven. It didn’t end well for Sam or his stuffed elephant. Adorable.

Once Over by sparseparsley ♥♥
New in town, Dean finds himself spending a lot of time at a local gay club. It might be because of the room at the back, where you can find pretty much all the sex you could ever want. Or it might be the guy who’s passing up sex all together just to watch Dean every night.

Forgot the Whipped Cream by sparseparsley
Dean finds out Cas has a thing for strawberries and plans accordingly. Shmoopy rimming porn.

Peanut Butter-Pumpkin Wedding Cake by sparseparsley ♥♥
AU. The good ones are sometimes assholes and always taken.

We Have All The Time In The World on DW by strangeandcharm ♥♥♥
NC-17; Lucifer gets his very own angel to play with, and Dean has to put his toy back together again. Extreme Cas!whumpage and very weird - but hot - sex.

There's a First Time for Everything on DW by strangeandcharm  ♥♥
NC-17; The first time's the one that counts. Porn, porn, porn, porn, porn. Did I mention the porn? Yes? Okey-dokey.

Kissing it Bitter on DW by strangeandcharm ♥♥
And following parts Third time's the charm and Hero Worship
NC-17; Castiel is afflicted, and Dean has a very difficult choice to make. Contains one of my favourite schmoopy!Dean lines EVAR.

Sixty-Six Weeks (and sequels) on DW by strangeandcharm ♥♥
NC-17; Castiel is forced to learn a lesson, and the Winchesters are forced to wait.

Try A Little Tenderness on DW by strangeandcharm ♥♥
NC-17; Dean. Castiel. Angsty sex. Uh, I think that just about covers all the bases....

Some Houses Ain't Just For Prayin' In on DW by strangeandcharm  ♥♥
NC-17; First time. under-a-spell!Dean fucking virgin!Cas.

Mortal Engines on DW by strangeandcharm ♥♥
Castiel’s on fire; Dean knows how to cool him down. Probably the schmoopiest thing the Angst Queen has ever written.

Sleeping With The Enemy on DW by strangeandcharm
He knows Castiel is something primal and urgent and important to him. He must be, because Dean has dreamed of him every night for a month.

It's Wonderful on DW by strangeandcharm
The author describes this as "soppy". It's not; it's a lovely and heartfelt little thing.

Thaw by tartary-lamb
Castiel wasn't just some run-of-the-mill, person-shaped space heater.

I Wanna Take Your Hand (and make it feel so right) by tiptoe39 ♥♥
Dean and Castiel share a body... and a little self-care session!

The Weight Of Change by tiptoe39
Castiel never used to act like this. It pisses Dean off.

Cravings by tiptoe39
Cas wants to talk about cravings. Smut.

The Binding by tiptoe39
They found a way to stop Michael possessing Dean. Smoking hot ritual sex. Guh.

Senseless by tiptoe39
Castiel’s new, fully human body isn’t behaving the way he thought it would. Sensory deprivation - achingly sensual.

Circumference by thenyxie
NC-17; Since he saved him from Hell, Castiel has been inextricably linked to Dean.

Pretty Angel by tracy_loo_who ♥♥♥
help_haiti written for me, to my (very kinky) prompts. Michael has a plan to break Team Free Will, and it involves turning Castiel into a rentboy. Insanely pornarific and tapdances over all of my many and varied kinks. Sheer perfection. *flails happily*

Journey's End by tracy_loo_who ♥♥♥
The story of a boy and his angel. I love this fic so freaking much, even though I start crying half way through and by the end I'm sobbing, SOBBING, I tell you, so hard I can hardly read. It breaks my heart in two.

And I Will Walk On Water by tracy_loo_who ♥♥♥
In which Dean discovers that the archangels didn't finish their job after all, and that demons picked up where they left off. Really good plotty stuff, with a touch of hawt sex.

Listen To My Needs by tracy_loo_who ♥♥
Castiel has already made his choice. Now, it's Dean's turn. Unique and beautifully written fic consisting entirely of dialogue and overheard sounds.

The Rare Gift by triedunture
Dean receives an... unusual... Christmas gift from Castiel.

A Wincest Story by trinityofone
PG-13; When he listened to their former angel pronounce his new official human name over and over, first giddy, then reverent "Cas Winchester, Cas Winchester" Sam couldn't shake the feeling that this was somehow going to come back and bite them in the ass.

Nonnegotiable Affections by trinityofone
NC-17; Dean moistens his lips. "I think it's time we make Cas a man."

Spinoff by trinityofone
Basically, Dean and Cas do sex, the end. Yup.

Closer to God by trinityofone
400 words of luscious rimming porn.

I Think I Know Where You Belong and Everything Comes Naturally at Dreamwidth by twentysomething
Teen AU. First the falling in love, and then the fumbling in the backseat. Adorable.

Untitled BJ porn and sequel Lien by uraneia ♥♥
Luscious porn. Guh.

Now Accelerate Hard by veda ♥♥
Dean is a hunter who did not so much fall into a D/S relationship as saunter into one without noticing. Scorching hot, loving BDSM. UNF, I say.

We Became Fans of Collisions by wandersfound ♥♥
NC-17; AU. Dean is the owner of a bookstore and one day, he gets a new customer.

Untitled comment fic by wandersfound
“Tell me something you have never told anyone, Dean,” Castiel begins. Panty-kink, written for the Five Acts kinky comment!fic meme hosted by toestastegood

Promise by xarixian
All the little tells that show that Castiel and Dean are made for each other. Major schmoop.

What You Need by xela_fic
NC-17; Castiel had been Chosen. He'd received his instructions from On High: "Save Dean from Hell." That had been easy and straight forward. But once he'd accomplished that, he had received another: "Be what Dean needs." Castiel had no idea what that meant. He still doesn't.

Worth by zatnikatel ♥♥
Dean is exhausted and assholish and in denial. Cas doesn't let him get away with that shit. Luscious care-taking and hotness.

Sharpen Your Teeth by zeitheist ♥♥♥
Claiming, marking, bloodplay, biting. More kinks than you can shake a stick at, all in one fic. Delicious!

In the land of the Emotionally Repressed, Dean Winchester is King by zoemathemata ♥♥
Dean does his best to cheer Castiel when Cas is left blind and is disheartened by recent events. Quality hurt/comfort.

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