You may have seen the recent clip of Matt Smith performing with Orbital at Glastonbury (search for 'matt smith orbital glastonbury' or similar on YouTube). Well, needless to say this has got a lot of fangirls very excited, and I've written a story and made some icons to celebrate...
Icons, all up for grabs )
Comments 19
At the very beginning I was going to stop at the first drabble, and then I couldn't bear not telling the actual Glastonbury story.
Is the ‘a’ and the ‘good’ supposed to be the other way around?
hid old self
Is the ‘hid’ his?
I know typos can sneak in when we’re not lookin’ for ‘em so I hope the above questions are helpful!
In my opinion? I think you captured him well for a first attempt; I could picture him throughout the story as I read. Overall, the only problem I had were some missing commas throughout the story - there were places where they might have fit but, too, that’s a matter of personal taste where they’d fit in.
The icons are great but I don’t know which to save!
I could picture him throughout the story as I read.
Oh, that's brilliant, wow, thanks! This is what I was most worried about.
And thank you so much for the typo-spotting - very much appreciated. I did read through it, but I'm in the middle of proof reading a 60,000ish word book on the Classical Greek Body (don't ask *lol*!) so I think typos are starting to go over my head. I should take a break really!
I know exactly what you mean about commas too. They really are a matter of taste. I mean, there are some that are more grammatically required, and others where usage varies to a much greater extent from writer to writer. I'll have a read through and see if I missed any that I didn't mean to, though I expect for the most part it's just my style.
Thank you again! And for the icon praise too, very kind of you :)
I think it helped that I've seen the Glastonbury footage as well and your story made it easy to picture the Doctor doing that.
thank you so much for the typo-spotting - very much appreciated.
Not a problem - as I mentioned, I know they can sneak in!
I'm in the middle of proof reading a 60,000ish word book on the Classical Greek Body (don't ask *lol*!) so I think typos are starting to go over my head.
I'm tempted to ask! ;P
I mean, there are some that are more grammatically required, and others where usage varies to a much greater extent from writer to writer.
I know, for myself, I tend to vary between the two but you never know where someone might be on them!
Thank you again! And for the icon praise too, very kind of you :)
You're very welcome!
Yes, I see what you mean. It's nice to have something so visual to pin your writing on when you first write for a character, I think. It certainly helped. (And Matt Smith helped too by making such clear Doctor allusions on stage, so thank you to him too!)
I'm tempted to ask! ;P
Well, the short story is that this year, before I start my own proper job, I'm working for a Cambridge Professor whose latest book is about images and perceptions of the body in antiquity. Fascinating stuff, but long :)
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