Title: Lying on Sunflowers Artist: Nebuneferu Recipient: SecretSorrowXXX Characters // Pairings: Russia/China Rating: PG Summary: Russia and China lying on hundreds of sunflowers, holding hand. Fluff!
Hey! Sorry for the late reply; I am on vacation and computer access is limited ^^ I hope you will forgive me :)
But anyway, onto the artwork. I love it! The sunflowers are amazing and bright! And I think you used the concept I gave you very well :)I love their expressions. I think it captures their personalities well, had they been put into such a situation. (On a more...perverted note, China's legs are nice :P) Thank you~ I really do apperciate it :D
Comments 2
But anyway, onto the artwork. I love it! The sunflowers are amazing and bright! And I think you used the concept I gave you very well :)I love their expressions. I think it captures their personalities well, had they been put into such a situation. (On a more...perverted note, China's legs are nice :P) Thank you~ I really do apperciate it :D
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