Title: The Mad Hunt Characters: Riddler, Catwoman, Batman, Hush, Two-Face Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1550 Disclaimer: DC owns. AN: For the theme Why So Serious? at batfic_contest
Thank you. Hush is...Hush. *shudders* It was written as a one-shot and since I can't seem to write anything at the moment, probably not. =( But it does leave room for more, so many one day...
Thank you, that's nice of you to say. Ooh, I know of a batcat fic with angst, blood, violence and sex. Try Children of the Night! It's one of my favorites. =)
Comments 17
This was really interesting. Hush is scary good. Will there be more?
Thank you. Hush is...Hush. *shudders* It was written as a one-shot and since I can't seem to write anything at the moment, probably not. =( But it does leave room for more, so many one day...
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Well done!
Thank you! =D
This is a great setup, and hope you might continue some day. I gotta know Selina's going to get out of this alive!
Thank you! If I can get the muses to cooperate, I just might. =)
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I'm glad you think so. It tried to go a different way.
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