Here's your chance to come back to the LIMS all previous participates who were voted off and were eliminated , this challenge is for you!
1. You may only use the given images, choose only one image for your icon. (No blending)
2. Each participate is allowed only to enter (1) icon.
3.Icons should fit LJ standards (only 100x100, 40 kb or less).
4. You have to be signed up for the
LIMS in order to enter these challenge, so if your name isn't on
the List, you cannot enter. ONLY LIMS signed up!
5. You enter your icon to this post. Submit your icon with direct links and and image. It would be preferable that the participates use (
imageshack or
tinypic, seeing as it sort of gives away the person sometimes through the link) No Photobucket! Your icon cannot have your username in it at all.
6. All Effects allowed except Blending/Animation
7. No posting the icons anywhere until the challenge is up.
8. If you want to use a skip, let me know in the post please.
9. Deadline for the challenge:Monday April 20th 2009
People who are not allowed to enter this round:
makarosh nasirah sixxalicious chemfishee xxshebeexxclockwork_yume tiah15 sneaky_elephant kiki_dissonance jennierenn someonescomet neutrals lillianporter ginny_lv_harry unwritten_panic neurotoxicdoll phantomberkanna fare_lady go enjoy your break this week ;)
Questions? ask away. But please be respectful!