It's the finals now! Congratulations to our remaining participants!
.1. Only the following can enter :
belulah lillianporter xoaubeox electricskiess .2. You are going to be given 10 days to complete your entries. 1 reminder will be given. So keep your eye out for it. Deadline : Monday August 16th 2009
.3.Icons should fit LJ standards (only 100x100, 40 kb or less).
.4. All Effects allowed except Blending/Animation
.5. No posting the icons anywhere until the challenge is up.
.6. Each participate has to submit an icon of the following: ( so that means I need three 3 icons)
Part One:
You must use at least one of these textures, with any image of Rob.
Part Two:
Behind the Scenes, you must use a picture of Rob on set from one of his films. No screen caps from the actual film.
Part Three:
Use one of these to create your icon.
~Multiply the image and create a Picasso! (use it more then once)
any questions leave a comment and a mod will be more then happy to help