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Comments 4

rosener_tagerin July 18 2012, 00:17:42 UTC
It is not surprising. UK is the command center of Eurabia and antisemitism


robspen67 July 18 2012, 10:43:09 UTC
True. No surprise here.
There should be widespread public outrage over this insane decision. Who says no to a "minute of silence"?! What kind of twisted mind do they possess?
And how can they say they don't want to upset Arab nations??? WTH??? Not only do they cave in to muslim demands, they openly admit that is' ok for arabs to support terrorism and get away with it. They don't even pretend condemning terror any more. Outrageous.


river_ems July 18 2012, 09:24:27 UTC
..."What's the problem?" she asked the London Jewish Chronicle. Is it because the Munich athletes were Israelis and Jews?" - Exactly! :(
It seems like the whole world would like to forget what happened in 1972.
The UK will never do it. They don’t want to upset Arabic countries.


robspen67 July 18 2012, 10:50:35 UTC
I am appalled at their blunt explanation regarding upsetting Arab nations. I mean, do they not see how crazy it is to deny a minute of silence to victims of terrorism? Are they confessing that Arabs are for terror and it is a matter of fact now? This is scandalous to say the least.


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