FIC: "Drive" (4/?) - Iron Man (movieverse), Tony/Pepper, R

Mar 28, 2011 23:34


Written for the Valentine's challenge at Read more... )

prompts, drive, iron man, tony/pepper, fic

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Comments 27

dracutgrl March 29 2011, 10:54:02 UTC
Ahhhh. Pepper and the green dress! Tony completely unable to keep his mouth shut. Rhodey.

This continues to be hot and hilarious and pitch perfect!


roboticonograph March 31 2011, 04:04:01 UTC
Thanks! I personally feel that the best is yet to come. :)


cincoflex March 29 2011, 11:04:48 UTC
I love how complicated and *real* your emotional layers are in this story. Even in simple comments you've got a world of meaning going, and I adore that Pepper is so fully realized.

Terrific stuff, babe.


roboticonograph March 31 2011, 04:15:11 UTC


serenitysea March 29 2011, 11:17:57 UTC
This is so fantastic!! And your Rhodey was AWESOME. I will gladly read any and all parts of this because even the ones you're not totally thrilled with? I am!!


roboticonograph March 31 2011, 04:15:53 UTC
Thanks! That's good to know.

Love your icon. :)


jackwabbit March 29 2011, 15:43:22 UTC
Personally, I think you got Rhodey right, so there.


spockside March 30 2011, 00:13:22 UTC
Me too. Love the trash talking game playing...sounds just like my 8-year-old...


roboticonograph March 31 2011, 04:18:59 UTC
My guy friends are always doing it, and they don't have the excuse of being eight. :P


roboticonograph March 31 2011, 04:18:14 UTC
That means a lot. Thanks.


(The comment has been removed)

roboticonograph March 31 2011, 04:20:44 UTC
Yeah, I totally pictured Terrence Howard as Rhodey. I admit it. :)


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