Intercomm drabble: A Flicker of Hope

Feb 27, 2011 23:54

Title: A Flicker of Hope
Author: neaptidea
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Characters/Pairings: Robin/Marian
Summary: Missing scene after S2x09/Lardner’s Ring
Notes: To be read with Keeping to the Plan
Disclaimer: I do not make profit from writing fanfiction based on the BBC/Tiger Aspect production of Robin Hood. No copyright infringement is intended.

After darkness encircled Sherwood and the Fool bid them farewell, Robin made his way toward Nottingham. Navigating through the forest at night had become a second nature by now; he did not need the help of the full moon to tell where the rocks, brooks and fallen trees were.

He ventured only close enough to the castle to see the sign that made his life as an outlaw bearable; a flicker of candlelight on Marian’s windowsill.

It was the reminder of the plan they had made together: to find Lardner, bring the King home, defeat the Sheriff and get married.

rating: g, char: robin, intercomm, contributor: neaptidea, pairing: robin/marian, length: drabble, fic

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