Intercomm: Mesmerised

Feb 27, 2011 17:15

Title: Mesmerised
Author: desertrose9
Characters: Robin, Marian, OC
Rating: G
Words: 1300
Disclaimer: These characters belong to BBC, not me. I just like to play with them.
A/N: AU Post series
Summary:  Finally at peace in the world.

He couldn’t take her eyes off her. The beauty he was so privileged to hold in his arms, to kiss softly, to cherish and love. After everything he had been through; the Crusades, Nottingham and giving up his title, he never once thought that he would get to this point in his life where he felt more lucky than anyone else could ever understand. For a while he wondered how he would manage a life so calm or as calm a life can be when your lands are restored and there is a county to rebuild. But Marian certainly made sure his life could never be boring. And as he brushed his hand over the soft brown curls, the form in his arms stirring, he was reminded just how exciting his life still was.

“Hush little one. I only just managed to persuade your mother to sleep and leave you be a few moments ago.”

Marian had been sleeping less and less since Rose was born. At first it was merely being too exhausted to sleep but now, four weeks on, she knew when her daughter would require a feeding and would often wake a full hour before that no matter the time. It had been Marian’s choice to feed the child herself rather than looking for a wet nurse, one that Robin had fully supported. He had understood both reason’s Marian had, the first being it was her daughter and she would not allow another woman’s milk to be her food no matter her station as a Lady making it the norm. But Marian, of course, being the type to think of others had found it cruel. How could she ask another who had milk to spare due to the loss of a baby to feed the child then give her back to another woman? She couldn’t put another through that.

Robin was brought from his thoughts by a gentle squirm and he bounced her slightly, his instinct as always taking control. He knew he probably shouldn’t have picked the child up from her soft bed but he could never stop himself when he got the chance. And he would willingly take the blame for waking her if Marian also woke and yelled at him.

“Not that she will,” he said quietly to his daughter, “she sees you in my arms and can’t do anything but coo. You are the best weapon I have ever held.”

Not that he simply loved his daughter for her ability to make Marian forget why she was angry with him. At only a month old she already held the traits of her parents. And every minute of every day he could see Marian grow within her. Her looks were as soft as Marian’s, her hair taking on the same wild form. And he wouldn’t wish it any other way. Smiling softly down at Rose, he pressed a gentle kiss to her nose in an act so similar to what he found himself often doing to her mother when they were growing up together. Rose responded with such delight that he felt his heart swell and a grin split his face.

“You know, you have her smile. I’m going to be in as much trouble with you as I am with her, aren’t I? Not that it matters. Your mother will always claim that you have me wrapped right around your finger and I wont deny it. Who would have known it would  only take a baby to make the great Robin Hood fall to his knees?”

“The great Robin Hood? You think a lot of yourself don’t you?”

Robin startled slightly, turning to face his wife leaning against the door frame, curls everywhere and the tell tale look on her face that made it clear she had only just woken. He loved that look. But as if Rose knew she didn’t have her father’s full attention any more, her legs and arms were thrown about as she gurgled. Laughing softly, he winked at Marian.

“She agrees with me.”

He grinned brightly as Marian rolled her eyes and pushed herself away from the wood, the robe covering her night dress trailing behind her slightly. She ignored his teasing puckered up lips in favour of kissing their daughter on her forehead before giving her finger to be grasped. She didn’t have to look at Robin to know he had an exaggerated pout in place of the lips that were waiting to be kissed, she knew him too well.

“I thought you learned by now the only person I’m focused on is Rose,” Marian teased.

It didn’t stop Robin’s pout.

“Without me you wouldn’t have her to focus on. You should be thanking me.”

“Oh yes, thanking you for the sleepless nights, the hours of pain and the months of problems that came with her. Thanking you for bursting in mid way through the birth and causing Matilda to shove you right back out the moment your face paled? Thank you, my love, you really are wonderful.”

He knew she was still teasing, her eyes were far to light to be serious, but he couldn’t stop the protesting ‘hey’ that left his lips. He looked to Rose, always very much aware of the hours he spent pacing outside the door and, after Matilda did throw him out, the hours of Much sitting with his back against the door so that Robin would have to push him out the way if he wanted through. And he had pushed his friend one too many times that he didn’t want the day his child was born to be more ammunition against him if Much tried to argue with him. Though he would always remember, with a fond smile, the moment Matilda opened the door to announce Rose’s birth and Much automatically falling. His friend never really thought his plans through properly.

“I’ll be in the room for the next one. Promise.”

He gave Marian an innocent grin the moment she looked at him. He knew she wanted more, she couldn’t lie and say Rose was their only one, but he also knew she had no intention on getting pregnant again for at least a year. Or so she planned. Didn’t mean Robin couldn’t sweet talk her into considering it sooner. After all, they had a lot of time to catch up on. Had he not left when he did he was sure they would have had to extend Locksley by now. An exaggeration it may be, but considering Rose was conceived the night of their wedding, their bodies completely agreed.

“Perhaps. Matilda may not let you anywhere near the room after last time. She was sure you were about to faint.”

“I do not faint!” Robin automatically responded, bouncing Rose a little more. The young girl squealed once again and Marian laughed, Robin balancing the former in one arm to wrap the other in a hug. “I did not think I’d see this day, coming back from the Crusades. I thought my chance gone. To see my child being born I may have been overwhelmed, but not enough to faint.”

It was one of the few things he thought he would never admit and yet he couldn’t keep it to himself. He was extremely lucky to be able to have this family and he thanked God every morning he woke to Marian nursing Rose next to him for giving him this chance. For not taking his life away nor giving Marian to someone else. Marian’s sweet laugh reached his ears and he finally got the kiss he had been waiting for.

“Then you shall be overwhelmed many more times, Lord Locksley. For your family has not stopped yet.”

“My lovely Lady Locksley. I would never wish it to stop.”

char: marian, pairing: robin/marian, genre: romance, char: robin, rating: g, contributor: desertrose9, intercomm, length: short fic

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