Title: “I Will Find You”
Author: ladyarcherfan3
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Characters: Robin, with mentions of Marian
Spoilers: S3 finale
Intercomm Entry: Yes
Disclaimers: I do not own or claim Robin Hood, just my imagination
Summary: Robin faces the end and sends out a silent request.
Robin raced to Nottingham with Archer just behind him. He felt the poison spreading through his body, stealing strength and life. He had never thought the end would come this way, far too soon and far too late. He stumbled, gasping as pain slammed through him.
“That’s better,” a voice whispered to his soul, radiant and peaceful, so unlike her last words on earth had been. Marian.
Just let me finish this, he thought. Then I will find you, Marian. I will seek you as long as my strength holds out; if I cannot find you, please find me again.