Challenge 13C

Feb 21, 2007 02:48

Title:: There's No Love
Author: Birgitt Schuknecht
Characters: Robin Hood, Will Scarlett; Will POV
Pairing: Allan/Will implied
Challenge: 13C
Rating: PG
Notes: This is a teaser for my upcoming story "Attack", the sequel to Trapped.
Disclaimer: The copyrights to the events and characters of Robin Hood belong to Tiger Aspect Productions and British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). No infringement of those rights is intended. This story is mine, but no material advantage will be gained from its publication. The title is taken from the song "Everything I do, I do it for you" by Bryan Adams.

He feels more comfortable with the axe but this is not about being comfortable. This is about being efficient.

He wants to be with Allan but this is not about want. This is about must.

He hates to kill but this is not about hate. This is about love.

Robin tries to tell him something. Will shakes his head when he whispers in his ear, as if he was chasing away an annoying insect. Before Robin can hold him back, he runs down the slope. He draws the bow, releases the arrow. This is about love. Or so he hopes.

challenge c: lyrics inspiration, week 13

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