Book Reports (34-47) ...

Jun 05, 2020 17:04

Because I've had trouble keeping up with my reading, I'm going to change my book report style a bit. Now I'm aiming to write reviews on Goodreads and simply post the link here. But I'm also going to change my star system ( Read more... )

ya, book reports, adult

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Comments 2

enchanted_jae June 6 2020, 21:31:01 UTC
I did not know Victoria Laurie had another series out, after her "Ghost Hunter" series and in addition to her "Psychic Eye" series. Hmm.


robinellen June 7 2020, 01:12:22 UTC
It's not a series (sadly) -- just a standalone. It's a good book, but her next one (which is also a standalone) isn't quite as strong (but still interesting) -- it's called FOREVER, AGAIN.


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